
  • 网络Pailin
  1. Ros是生活在柬埔寨西部拜林省前红色高棉据点的偏远村庄SuoSdei的一名农民,是没有受过多少教育的穷人。

    Living in the remote village of Suo Sdei in the former Khmer Rouge stronghold of Pailin province in western Cambodia , Ros – a farmer himself – is a poor man with little education .

  2. 利用拜林市作为一个藏匿处。

    Used Pailin as a hideout .

  3. 2008年,科学家们在拜林省确诊了首批抗青蒿素及其衍生物的恶性疟病例。

    And it was in Pailin where scientists confirmed the first cases of falciparum resistance to artemisinin and its derivatives in2008 .

  4. 他在附近的卫生所和拜林省医院接受过基本培训,这些地方还为他提供了药品和诊断工具。

    He received a basic training at a nearby health centre and in the Pailin provincial hospital , where he was also supplied with medicines and diagnostic tests .

  5. 当你的球队有一个7尺巨人在篮底下张开很长的手,根本对投篮的人没有投入的机会。他还会抢篮板和封板,拜林是其他球队等待数年都没有的天才。

    You add a7-foot guy with long arms who can finish around the basket , post up , block shots , that 's a piece any team would wait years for , generations for .