
bá hé
  • tug-of-war
拔河 [bá hé]
  • [tug-of-war] 一种体育比赛,两队在一条大绳的两端用力拉,拉过规定的界线为胜

拔河[bá hé]
  1. 船员们赢了拔河比赛。

    The sailors won at tug-of-war .

  2. 就像在拔河游戏中一样,每增加一个人,其他人拉绳子的力量就会减少。

    Just as in a game of tug-of-war , whenever a person is added , everyone else pulls the rope with less force .

  3. 欧洲拔河锦标赛

    the European Tug of War Championships .

  4. 不在选美比赛上耍酷的时候,Tank喜欢玩拔河,还喜欢和其他邻居互动。

    When he is not flaunting his good looks at pageants , Tank loves to play tug-of-war and socialize with the neighbors .

  5. 狗会保持卧下,直到训练员满意狗儿的动作,然后做出标记(YES),再拿出玩具与狗儿进行拔河游戏。

    The dog remains down until the handler is satisfied with compliance and gives the MARK ( YES ) and presents the tug toy and a session of tug .

  6. 日本央行(boj)与安倍晋三(shinzoabe)领导的日本新政府之间的“拔河游戏”仍在持续。

    The tug of war between the Bank of Japan and the newly installed government led by Shinzo Abe continues .

  7. 拔河比赛的场面真是太有趣了。

    The scene of tug-of-war is just too funny for words .

  8. 拔河比赛的起源、发展及获胜技巧

    Origin , development and winning skills of the tug - of-war

  9. 拔河式大角度改良皮试法在肿瘤病人中的应用

    Application of tug-of-war style and wide-angle improved skin test for tumor patients

  10. 我们的人在里面跟死神拔河啊。

    Our guys are in there . they 're dying in there .

  11. 拔河是那天下午的最后一个比赛项目。

    The tug-of-war was the last event of the afternoon .

  12. 莉萨:嗨,恭喜你,听说你赢得拔河比赛。

    Lisa : Hey congratulations . I hear you won the tug-of-war .

  13. 学生们正在进行拔河比赛。

    The students are engaged in a tug of war .

  14. 我最喜欢的运动是打羽毛球、跑步和拔河。

    My favorite sports are badminton , running and Tug-of-war .

  15. 学生乙:手指拔河?

    Student B : Tug of war by fingers ?

  16. 在拔河比赛中,双方队员都拼命地拉。

    In a tug-of-war , the competitors pull as hard as they can .

  17. 拔河比赛以两边的人都倒在一堆而告终。

    The tug of war ended when both teams tumbled in a heap .

  18. 如果你要走向金牛座,你就准备进行一次长时间的拔河比赛吧!

    When you go for a Taurus , go for the long haul .

  19. 我们曾激烈地拔河呢这笔钱我们讨论了好�

    Money which we then discussed at length .

  20. 从1900年至1920年,拔河比赛曾被列为奥运会比赛项目。

    Tug-of-war was an Olympic event from 1900-1920 .

  21. 我们在拔河比赛中赢了高年级队。

    We beat the seniors in the tug-of-war !

  22. 然后他们进行了一场拔河比赛。

    Then they had a tug of war .

  23. 这像是在玩拔河比赛。

    It was like a game of tug-of-war .

  24. 之后,我们进行拔河比赛。

    After that , we have a tug-of-war .

  25. 拔河是大家喜闻乐见的群众性体育运动。

    Tug-of-war is a kind of amateur sports activity which is favored by everybody .

  26. 如果说最令人惊奇的前奥运项目,莫过于拔河。

    The most surprising event of Olympic yesteryear , however , is Tug of War .

  27. 而拔河应该算是大家最喜闻乐见的一项体育活动。

    Tug-of-war should be said to be a physical exercise most favored by common people .

  28. 王平:再一个叫粗绳拔河。

    Wang Ping : Another kind is the " tug of war by thick ropes " .

  29. 我们荣获女子拔河团体赛第一名。

    We were very honored to win first place in the women 's team tug-of-war competition .

  30. 拔河技术的生物力学分析

    Biomechanical Analysis of Tug-of-War 's Skill