
  • 网络outstanding innovative talents;Top-notch innovative personnel
  1. 近年来,一批高水平大学在拔尖创新人才培养方面,进行了多样化的探索,也取得了初步成果。

    In recent years , a lot of high-level universities have undergone diversity exploration and achieved initial results in outstanding innovative talents training .

  2. 因此,在我国积极建设创新型国家的大好形势下,高校特别是高水平研究型大学应肩负起培养拔尖创新人才的重任。

    Under the background of building an innovation-oriented country in China , colleges and universities especially high-level research universities should take responsibility of cultivating outstanding innovative talents .

  3. 激活自我实现需要培养拔尖创新人才

    Stimulate the Need of Self-fulfillment and Cultivate the Talents of Creativity

  4. 造就拔尖创新人才与高等教育改革

    Cultivation of Innovative Talents and Reform of Higher Education

  5. 鼓励拔尖创新人才成长。

    We encourage top-notch talents with innovative ideas to come to the fore .

  6. 信息生态下知识经济社会的发展需要人才,尤其需要拔尖创新人才。

    The development of knowledge economy society in information ecology needs talents especially top-notch talents .

  7. 农林院校拔尖创新人才培养模式研究

    Cultivation Model Research of Top Talents with Spirit of Innovation in Agricultural and Forestry Universities

  8. 拔尖创新人才的发现、培养和使用是一项复杂的社会系统工程。

    However , it is a complex project to find , cultivate and employ them .

  9. 拔尖创新人才思想政治素质养成:概念、特征与规律

    To Develop the Ideological and Political Quality of Top-notch Creative Talents : Concept , Characteristics and Laws

  10. 拔尖创新人才的培养与我国一流名校的建设

    The Training of the Excellent Innovation Talents and the Construction of the First - level Universities of China

  11. 然而在诸多教育浪潮的冲刷下,有关拔尖创新人才培养的声音一度沉寂。

    However , under the impact of reforming education , the voice of cultivating top-notch innovative talents has been absent .

  12. 新时期我国教育目的可具体化为:造就数以亿计的高素质劳动者、数以千万计的专门人才和一大批拔尖创新人才。

    In today , it is to cultivate lots of high - quality workers , special talents and top innovation persons .

  13. 高等院校作为造就拔尖创新人才的主阵地,在创新型国家建设中承担着重要使命。

    As the main battlefield of cultivating top innovative talents , higher education undertakes the significant mission of building an innovation-oriented nation .

  14. 拔尖创新人才基本的素质特征即具有合理的知识结构、较强的创新能力和实践能力及良好的非智力因素。

    They are characterized as having a rational knowledge structure , strong abilities in both innovation and practice and fine non-intellectual features as well .

  15. 提高高等教育质量,培养拔尖创新人才,始终是我国高等教育中的头等大事。

    Improving the quality of higher education and cultivating of creative talents , has always been a top priority of education affairs in our country .

  16. 拔尖创新人才特殊的成长过程和个性化的创新过程对我国研究型大学的人才培养方式和质量保障体系提出挑战。

    Top-notch creative talents ' special growth process and personal innovation process make the challenge to research universities ' personnel training and quality assurance system .

  17. 高等教育肩负着培养数以千万计的高素质专门人才和一大批拔尖创新人才的重要使命。

    Higher education shoulder the important mission of training tens of millions of high-quality training specialized personnel and a large number of top-notch innovative personnel .

  18. 培养一大批拔尖创新人才,是增强我国国际竞争力的关键因素。

    Training a large numbers of top talents with the spirit of innovation is the key factor to enhance our country 's international competitive capability .

  19. 高等教育的任务就是培养大批拔尖创新人才,为实施人才强国战略做出贡献。

    The task of higher education is to cultivate a large number of innovation-oriented talents to make some contribution to the talents strategy for power nation .

  20. 初中智力超常学生是未来拔尖创新人才的主要培养对象,他们是国家的巨大财富。

    Extraordinary intelligence students in junior middle school are the main cultivation object in future of top-notch innovative talents , they are the great wealth of nations .

  21. 在高校管理机制调整和规模扩张已基本完成的情况下,如何提高人才培养质量,培养国家急需的拔尖创新人才已成为财经类高校必须面对的重大课题。

    It is a major project of university of finance and economics to improve the quality of talent cultivation after the completion of management mechanism adjustment and scale expansion .

  22. 但是,不容讳言,现阶段在探寻高校拔尖创新人才成长规律及培养问题上遇到了一定的瓶颈。

    However , to be honestly , we met the " bottleneck " at this stage of exploring the law of growth and training of outstanding innovative talents in universities .

  23. 在今后的实践探索中,省属高校需从自身实际资源及优势出发,构建基础扎实、结构稳定、实施灵活的拔尖创新人才培养模式。

    In the future , provincial universities should base on their own advantages and develop cultivate model of excellent creative talents with solid foundation , stable structure and flexible practices .

  24. 自主招生制度在一定范围内有利于选拔并培养出拔尖创新人才,这完全契合了精英教育的发展要求。

    Within a certain range , the purpose of autonomous enrollment is favorable to select and cultivate the innovative talents , which completely accords with the developmental requirements of the elite education .

  25. 我们应抓住机遇,开拓进取,实现学校在新世纪的跨越式发展,为国家培养出更多更好的拔尖创新人才。

    We should hold the opportunity and keep forging ahead , realizing the leaping development of the university in the new millennium to nurture many more creative and outstanding talents for our nation .

  26. 拔尖创新人才是指科学研究型的高层次创造性人才、应用研究型的高技术创新人才和某一专业领域有特长的高级专门人才。

    Top talents with the spirit of innovation are defined as high-level creative personnel in scientific research , hi-tech innovative professionals in applied research , as well as high-level specialists in certain fields of specialities .

  27. 东北应当以此为契机,加快培养造就和引进使用高素质的劳动者,以及专门人才和拔尖创新人才的工作步伐,建设一支素质较高的人才队伍,以增强东北经济发展的后劲。

    So the northeasters should accelerate the footstep of the cultivation and introduction of the high-qualified and specialized workforce and form a high-qualified talent team to make a good preparation for the northeastern economic development .

  28. 拔尖创新人才不仅是创新人才中的佼佼者,更是我国宏大人才队伍中的核心和骨干,是各条战线上的领军人物。

    The outstanding innovative talent is not only a leader in the innovation talent , but also the core and backbone in our country great talent team , and it is a leader on all fronts .

  29. 中国要想在综合国力竞争中处于优势地位,就要求我们的教育培养出适应现代社会发展需要的具备信息素养的拔尖创新人才。

    And if China wants to lead the completion in overall national strength , our education should train the top-notch talent that can adapt the necessary of the modern society development and must own Information Literacy .

  30. 目前在在拔尖创新人才核心价值观塑造途径方面存在着很多问题,根据调查,主要原因是经济全球化的新挑战、市场经济的负面影响、多元文化的冲击等造成的。

    Currently , there are many problems in the approaches of core value shaping . The main reasons are the new challenges of economic globalization , the negative impact of market economy and the cultural diversity .