
  • 网络Las;LARS;russ
  1. 让我讨厌的一个人是拉斯。

    One person I hate is Russ .

  2. 乔治城大学(GeorgetownUniversity)法学教授拉斯•斯蒂文森上上周告诉我,投资银行界的“自我认知已发生了巨大变化”。

    Georgetown University Law Professor Russ Stevenson told me last week that there has been a " dramatic change in self perception " among investment banks .

  3. 在美国,总部位于马萨诸塞州剑桥市的MSR开发公司TransatomicPower首席执行官拉斯o威尔克斯正在请求美国核管理委员会(theU.S.NuclearRegulatoryCommission)放宽对传统核反应域安全的限制,称这种限制“冻结了进步”。

    In the U.S. , Russ Wilcox , CEO of Cambridge , Mass . - based MSR developer Transatomic Power , implores the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to broaden its focus beyond conventional reactor safety , which he says " freezes progress . "

  4. 拉斯:也许你该去医院查查。

    Russ : Maybe you should get that checked out .

  5. 吴拉斯吞深信靠近海滨的环境,对昆虫的颜色也有影响。

    Wollaston is convinced that residence near the sea affects the colours of insects .

  6. 5世纪时,拉斯夫人的祖先住在现今斯洛伐克的范围内。

    The original Slavic population settled in the general territory of present-day Slovakia in the5th century .

  7. 在康崔拉斯战役期间,他摔下了马,摔伤了腿,伤势严重。

    During the Battle of Contreras he was seriously wounded in the leg when he fell off his horse .

  8. 拉斯:可是,听起来即将卧床几周不起让却你感到很乐观。

    Russ : And yet , you sounded positively giddy that you might be laid up for a couple of weeks .

  9. 拉斯:虽然我不是医生,但你也许生了更严重的病,也许是支气管炎或肺炎。

    Russ : I 'm not a doctor , but you may have something more serious , maybe bronchitis or pneumonia .

  10. 如果连一点点公立保险机构的影子都没有,自由派如参议员拉斯。范格拉斯和杰伊。洛克菲勒就要跳脚了。

    If there is not even a hint of a public plan , liberals like Senator Russ Feingold and Jay Rockefeller may stomp off .

  11. “持久同样的刺激被大脑认定为不重要元素,以至于大脑干脆把它从我们意识中抹去了,”雷拉斯解释道。

    " Constant stimulation is registered by our brains as unimportant , to the point that the brain erases it from our awareness ," Lleras explained .