
  1. 楼花按揭作为一种担保方式起源于英美法上的Mortgage,所以本文第一部分首先探讨了Mortgage在英美法上的含义:特定财产权利的转移;

    This article consists of five parts as following : Mortgage of uncompleted building was originated from the Common Law and the Law of Hong Kong , so the paper probes into its meaning - the transformation of the specific property right ;

  2. 但是,任何事物都是发展变化的,债权担保方式也不例外。

    But everything is changing , so do ways of guarantees .

  3. 但究竟采用哪种担保方式是一个待证问题。

    However the manner of guarantee remains to be examined .

  4. 论诉前扣船担保方式

    On forms of security in the pre-litigating arrest of ships

  5. 不动产抵押是商品经济发展的一种重要担保方式,素有担保之王的美称。

    Real estate mortgage is an important guarantee form in commodity economy .

  6. 股权质押是近年来新兴起的一种担保方式。

    Pledge of stock rights is a rising guarantee in recent years .

  7. 物业经营权的法律属性和担保方式

    Legal attributes and guarantee mode of property management right

  8. 担保方式可采用银行保付保函形式。

    The bank guaranty may be used for guaranty .

  9. 保证是诉前扣船中最常用的担保方式,保证人的资格对保证的实现至关重要。

    The qualification of guarantors is very important for the realization of guarantee .

  10. 一般认为,按揭是一种贷款担保方式。

    It is generally thought that mortgage is a way of loan guarantees .

  11. 第三种担保方式叫权利质押。

    The3rd kind assures means calls the right impawn .

  12. 一种新型的融资担保方式&知识产权质押担保应运而生。

    A new type of financing guarantee-intellectual property right hypothecation might be of help .

  13. 二是通过担保方式进行的。

    The second is by way of security .

  14. 政治保障论。抵押是保证经济合同履行的一种担保方式。

    Mortgage is one of guarantee forms to assure the performance of economic contract .

  15. 目前在经济发达国家,商标权质押已成为企业融资的流行担保方式之一。

    The pledge of trademark has been the popular guarantee way in economical developed country .

  16. 应收账款融资担保方式及其制度选择

    The Manner of Incorporation Guarantee of Debts to be Collected and the Choice of Systematic Regulations

  17. 全文研究是基于担保方式这一线索展开的。

    Full Text of this study is based on the clues of the way of security .

  18. 资产支持型证券市场是一个在结构、收益、到期日以及担保方式上都高度多样化的市场。

    The ABS market is highly diverse in terms of structures , yields , maturities and collateral .

  19. 房地产抵押已成为商业银行等债权人贷款首选的担保方式。

    The mortgage on the real estate has become the first secured way for creditors of commercial banks .

  20. 二是建立现代企业制度,创新企业融资担保方式。

    Second , we should establish a modern enterprise system , innovative corporate finance by way of security .

  21. 房地产的抵押担保方式在现实生活中很普遍,由此产生的抵押纠纷也很多。

    The real estate collateral are in real life , and the resulting security there are many disputes .

  22. 抵押作为一种古老的担保方式,在近代以来除了担保债权的功能之外,更兼具了融通资金的作用。

    Except securing debt , as an ancient kind of guarantee , mortgage has the function of financing .

  23. 因此,权利质权与其他担保方式相比更有发展潜力。

    Therefore , the mortgage of right as the way of security compared with other have more development potential .

  24. 阐述以企业自身信用作为担保方式获得融资支持的新思想及可操作性。

    Presents the way of their own credit as collateral to obtain financing to support new ideas and practical .

  25. 股权质押作为一种新兴的担保方式,对繁荣市场、融通资金具有重要作用。

    As a rising guarantee mode , the Pledge system of Share Rights plays roles in market boom and financing .

  26. 作为一项新型的担保方式,独立担保虽然在国际贸易实践中得到了广泛应用,但有关独立担保的法律规范在国内外都不是非常完备和成熟。

    As a new form of security devices , independent guarantee is widely used in the area of international trade .

  27. 借款申请人申请住房公积金贷款,必须提供治理中心认可的担保方式。

    Loan applicant applies for loan of housing accumulation fund , must offer what the management center approbates to assure means .

  28. 项目融资中的担保方式主要分为物权担保、信用担保、浮动担保等几类。

    The means of guarantee in project financing include guarantees of security , credit guarantees , floating charge and so on .

  29. 很多国家都在固定抵押之外规定了一些非典型的担保方式,浮动抵押即为其中一种。

    Many countries have provisions in the fixed mortgage of many atypical ways of security , which is one of the floating mortgages .

  30. 无论是在存在原因、责任还是在运作上,保证保险都应当属于一种担保方式而非保险经营。

    Guaranty insurance should be a way of surety instead of insurance on the base of existence reason , liability , and operation .