- abstract labour

The abstract labour , living labour , which manufacture goods , create value .
Concrete labour and abstract labour
On the Implicative Hypothetical Premises of the Transformation from Specific Labor to Abstract Labor
The work that can create value is the society 's simple average work .
It 's a system of " Utility / Labor Theory of Value " .
Abstract labor represents two different quantities in the horizontal direction along a certain path .
Capital and science and technological achievements , as value , are abstract labor , yet in coagulated form .
The science and technology that can help to save abstract labor and decrease value of commodities greatly , is , indeed , hi-tech.
Contrary to Karl Marx , the author of the paper does not think of abstract labor in itself as scalar but as vector .
The sociality , exchangeability and compen - sation of the abstract work form the properties of commodity value in the courses of production and exchange .
The soft labor is the direct form of abstract labor so that the measure of value working time has lost its importance as it used to .
There is , as a matter of fact , an essential distinction between the concept of Petty 's general labour and that of Marx 's abstract labour .
Unlike specific labor , abstract labor is intangible and cannot be measured . As time goes by , it will become increasingly hard to differentiate between mental and manual labour .
The assets is classified as tangible and intangible assets . The value of the two comes from the direct labor of human , being the coagulation of abstract labor of human .
We should always enrich and develop the theory of labor creating value , on the base of abstract labor is the sole source and substance to form the value of commodity .
The production process of the private enterprises in China is also a unification of the labor-process and the value - breeding process , which is determined by the duality of commodity , i.e. the abstract labor and concrete labor .
The concept of labor has rich connotations . It contains not only abstract labor from the perspective of anthropology , but also concrete labor in the aspect of history .
As the principle and element of the art production , the abstract form of aesthetics gradually formed during the process of labor .
Thus , the so-called " usage value and abstract value ", the " concrete work and abstract labor " became " fake question " in its economical significance . therefore , all arguments around the " fake question " will be meaningless .
The industrial machine production shapes the labor into simplest form thus the whole social labor has been generalized and abstracted . By so doing , generalized and abstracted labor provides the establishment of value form a practical basis in the whole society .
But the theory of Value appears in " Capital " is from " Abstraction " to Concretion , or from the Labor theory of Value to Concretion . Reading carefully .
In way of expression it follows the principle of " rising from abstract to concrete " and " logic and history unification " . Beginning from the abstract value theory of work , it gradually rises to a concrete understanding of market price .