
  • 网络Sample Inference
  1. 抽样推断的抽样平均误差

    Average Errors in Sampling through Sample Deduction

  2. 本文讨论中心极限定理在抽样推断中的若干应用。

    Some applications of the central limit theorem in sampling deduction were discussed in this paper .

  3. 采用随机抽样推断法对管道煤气泄漏源的输入参数的不确定性问题进行定量的分析,并且讨论了泄漏时间的不定性与确定泄漏源强度的关系,提出了管道气体泄漏时间估算方法。

    The quantitative analysis of the input parameters can be done by probability random sampling deduction method for the leaking source of pipeline gas . The relationship between the uncertainties of leaking times of gas in the pipeline and the intensity of the leakage sources has been discussed .

  4. 二重配合的抽样检查与统计推断

    Random Sampling Check and Statistical Inference of Double Fitting

  5. 基于排序集抽样的非参数推断

    Nonparametric inference based on ranked - set sampling

  6. 概率抽样用统计学的推断来说明样本的准确性。

    Sometimes called random samples , probability samples allow statistical inferences about the accuracy of sample estimates .

  7. 较系统地建立了多元抽样的基本理论和方法。证明了多元有限总体样本的中心极限定理,这是多元有限总体抽样统计推断的理论基础。

    Abstract In this paper , we established basic methods and theories of multivariate sampling and proved the central limit theorem , this is the theoretical foundation of statistical inference in multivariate finite population .