
bào jǐng xìn hào
  • Alarm signal;alerting signal
报警信号[bào jǐng xìn hào]
  1. 胸部疼痛可能是心脏病的报警信号。

    Chest pains can be a warning signal of heart problems .

  2. 如果在系统布防时检测到异常情况,它们将向基站发送无线报警信号,然后基站将引发报警。

    If they detect something wrong while the system is armed , they 'll transmit a wireless alert signal to a base station that will then raise the alarm .

  3. 基于PLC的报警信号次序显示控制系统

    Order Display Control System of Alarm Signal Based on PLC

  4. 基于DSP技术的振动报警信号处理

    DSP on the Vibration Cable Alarm Signal Processing

  5. 对信号采样转换成数字信号后送交DSP进行信号处理,判断是否需要发出报警信号。

    The signal is sampled and converted into digital then transmitted to the DSP to be processed and judge whether need issued a warning signal .

  6. 本系统可以在现场发出声光报警信号,并且通过Email将数据发送到远端监测人员手中。

    The system can also send out the light and beep to alarm the operators on the spot and send the data into the remote monitor operators through E-mail .

  7. 当光束漂移>0.3mrad时,即给出报警信号。

    The warning signal arises when the shift of beam is greater than 0.3m rad .

  8. 编写了智能家居安防系统自动报警信号的接收和处理软件。利用具有高效的数据库和网络开发能力,面向对象的Delphi语言实现。

    This thesis developed the program to input and dispose the alarming signal by means of Delphi language , which has ability to deal with high-effective database and network .

  9. 进行了I/O地址分配,编制了PLC应用程序,在现场控制柜面板上满足自动控制与手动控制方式的转换,实现报警信号显示。

    We had I / O address assignment , the preparation of the PLC application . Counter at the scene control panel and manual control methods to meet the automatic conversion , an alarm signal display .

  10. 分析珠海发电厂2号炉B侧轴流式送风机发出喘振报警信号的根本原因是暖风器引起风道阻力增加造成堵塞而引起的,处理办法是拆除掉毫无作用的暖风器。

    The surge alarm of the axial-flow forced fan on Side B of Unit 2 boiler in Zhuhai Power Station is analyzed , and the root cause is deemed to be the blockage of the air heater that increased the resistance in the air duct .

  11. 该系统由PC机、PLC、现场仪表和设备组成,通过现场总线和工业以太网将现场各种工艺参数、报警信号、历史数据进行传送,实现了整个生产过程的自动控制。

    The system is composed of PC , PLC , on-site instruments and equipments . The field process parameters , alarm signals , history data can be transmitted by field bus and Industrial Ethernet , so the whole process auto-control can be realized .

  12. 介绍某发电厂旋转二极管非导通检测系统(DNC)的基本原理,分析和探讨该检测系统发出报警信号及跳闸信号后的处理方法。

    This paper introduce the main principle of the generator diode non conduction detection system of one power station , analysis and discussion procedure when a failure of the system is signaled .

  13. 当门区域是清晰的,关闭的门将在预设顺序上阻止光线,且不会引发BFD的报警信号。

    When the door area is clear , the closing door will block beams in a pre-determined sequence , and will not trigger an alarm signal from the BFD .

  14. 监控中心同时监视多个现场,接收或发送报警信号,并根据需要通过异步串行总线RS-485实时控制云台,调整摄像头的方向和位置。

    At the same time the monitoring center was monitors many scenes , to receive or transmitted the signal of alarm , and according to needs control , adjusts vidicon the direction and the position pass to the RS-485 of asynchronous serial main line .

  15. BMW5系和7系还为驾驶员提供了控制显示器的图像表示法,增强了音频报警信号的效果。

    Drivers of the BMW 5 and 7 Series can also avail of a diagrammatic representation in the Control Display , supplementing the audio warning signal .

  16. 当柴油机的转速、油压、油温及水温超过规定的极限时,CZB能使柴油机停车,并发出声、光报警信号。

    When the engine speed , oil pressure , oil temperature and water temperature exceed the specified limit values , CZB will make the engine stop , and at the same time give sound and light warnings .

  17. 当你听到常规紧急报警信号时保持冷静。

    Remain calm when you hear the general emergency alarm .

  18. GB9193-1988船舶声光报警信号和识别标志

    " Acoustic , optical alarm signals and identifying indications in ships "

  19. 智能家居安防系统中报警信号采集的硬件电路。

    Hardware circuits to sampling alarming signal in security system .

  20. 通过实施火灾报警信号,如击碎玻璃召集人员到场。

    By activating fire alarm signals such as break-glass , call point .

  21. 利用可编程控制器处理声光报警信号

    Using PLC to Process Sound and Light Alarm Signals

  22. 这个收音机能收短波吗?自动报警信号接收机

    Can this radio receive short-wave ? auto-distress signal apparatus

  23. 船长和大副是什么时候收到报警信号的?

    When did ship 's master and chief officer receive the fire alarm ?

  24. 风机监控系统是否有中央报警信号?

    Whether the wind turbine generator supervisory system does have the central committee alarm ?

  25. 专门从事停止报警信号的罪犯

    Criminal who specialize in stop alarm signal

  26. 他按了一下红色报警信号钮,检查一下,它是开着的还是关着的。

    He pressed the red alarm signal to see if it was on or off .

  27. 血小板计数时报警信号分析

    Analysis of alert signs in platelet count

  28. 机械通气中通气量报警信号原因分析及对策

    Causative Analysis on Ventilation Equivalent Alarm Signals During Mechanical Ventilation of Patients and Its Countermeasures

  29. 家庭报警信号处理系统

    Alarm signal processing system applicable to family

  30. 同时将报警信号送至集中报警器,使集中报警器发出总警报。

    At the same time central alarm receives the signal and gives out the general alarm .