
  • 网络keying;Key;Keyer;Transparency
  1. 最终通过实验证明,系统的抠像融合效果良好,操作简单,基本实现了预期的目标。

    Finally proved by experiments , the system has the feature of good keying integration effect and simple operation , which basically achieves the desired objectives .

  2. 其中,抠像融合Filter采用了背景差分抠像算法和OpenCV库进行实现:网络视音频发送和接收Filter采用了WinSock技术进行实现。

    Among them , keying fusion Filter is achieved by using background difference keying algorithm and the OpenCV library ; network video-audio sender and receiver Filter is achieved by using WinSock technology .

  3. 本文提出了一种基于DCT系数统计特征的蓝屏抠像合成检测算法。

    In this thesis , an algorithm to detect blue screen matting and compositing based on DCT coefficients statistics features is proposed .

  4. 本文使用AdobePremierePro完成视频蓝屏抠像与合成,同时将合成视频压缩成多种码率用于测试。

    In this thesis , the process of blue screen matting and compositing are implemented in the software of Adobe Premiere Pro and various bitrates are set for the composited videos for testing .

  5. 数字图象抠像技术研究

    Research of Technique to Dig out the Pointed Dig ital Image

  6. 图像抠像技术是计算机视觉领域热点问题。

    Image matting is a hot topic in the research of computer vision .

  7. 本文将不同特征的图像进行了分类,并给出了抠像算法适应性判据。

    This paper classified images which had different feature and given the applicability criterion of matting algorithms .

  8. 最后作者结合图像分割算法与α估计思想,提出了一种全自动高质量的抠像算法,拓展了蓝箱抠像的应用范围,试验证明能达到广播级的视频抠像质量要求。

    The tests prove the method expands the blue matting technology and satisfies the broadcast level quality need .

  9. 针对蓝箱抠像对环境要求苛刻的缺陷,文章主要图像处理的角度对简单背景与复杂背景两者情况下的视频对象提取算法进行了研究。

    Then the author researches how to extract object in simple color background and nature background in video in image manage way .

  10. 虚拟演播室系统是计算机虚拟现实与传统演播室色键抠像技术相结合的一种新的电视节目制作系统。

    Virtual studio system is a new TV program production system which combines computer vir-tual reality technology with traditional studio color key switchover technology .

  11. 数字抠像技术是图像、视频编辑的重要操作之一,用于从图像、视频等媒体文档中抠取出用户感兴趣的目标。

    Matting is one of the important edit operations for image / video , used for extracting the users ' interested objects from the media documents .

  12. 作为图像与视频编辑的关键技术,数字抠像与无缝融合已经得到了广泛的关注,成为当前研究的热点。

    As key technologies of image and video editing , digital matting and seamless composition receive a wide research , and become a hot research field .

  13. 抠像大多运用于电影和电视的特效制作上,因此,掌握好这项技术是一个高端的影视制作人的必备条件之一。

    This paper describes the Keying After Effects in the general process and introduced a method commonly used by several Keying apply each method and the environment .

  14. 分析了传统色键抠像技术的缺点,着重对目前比较流行的虚拟演播室系统的结构、工作过程以及所涉及到的一些关键技术进行了分析。

    The defects of traditional color key technology are analyzed . The structure 、 working process and some relevant key techniques of the prevalent virtual studio system are especially analyzed .

  15. 泊松抠像方法假定前景、背景亮度光滑变化,把梯度作为抠像保持特征,易产生模糊细节,需多次局部操作细化抠像。

    Poisson matting assumes that foreground and background are smooth , and take the gradient as the matting features , but it require the additional local operations to refine the result .

  16. 之前计划的我剪辑和挑选拍摄的素材,由于剪辑软件的问题没能成功进行,当然抠像也没能如期完成。

    The plan before I clip and choose the material of filming , because the software problem can 't cut to a successful , of course , to dig like didn 't also will finish .

  17. 不仅只有合成软件本身造就视觉欢腾,摄制、布景、照明、抠像、拷贝、跟踪各个环节影响着画面的品质,同样,每一细节的点点失误也汇聚成无法承受的距离。

    Not only the synthesis software itself make visual exult , film , scenery , lighting , keyer , copy , tracking each link of the picture quality , affecting every detail of the same , every mistake is unbearable to distance .

  18. 论文首先讨论了摄像机的定位及校准、摄像机参数跟踪系统及运动参数的获取、虚拟场景的绘制、视频抠像合成、虚拟场景的照明设计等虚拟演播室系统的关键技术。

    First , the dissertation will study many key technologies of VSS , including the orientating and adjusting of camera , the parameter tracing system of camera , the receiving of motion datum , the plot of virtual scenes , cutting and filling video , the designing of lighting , etc.
