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fǔ mó
  • stroke;caress;play with;fondle
抚摩 [fǔ mó]
  • (1) [stroke;fondle]∶用指触摸

  • 抚摸下巴

  • (2) [play with]∶无目的地来回玩弄或移动

  • 手在床边上来回抚摩着

抚摩[fǔ mó]
  1. 朱莉娅不得不克制住自己,不去抚摩他的头发。

    Julia had to subdue an urge to stroke his hair .

  2. 他抚摩了一下猫。

    He gave the cat a stroke .

  3. 他的手指抚摩着她的后颈。

    His fingers caressed the back of her neck .

  4. 她若有所思地抚摩着下巴。

    She rubbed her chin thoughtfully .

  5. 他轻轻地抚摩我的头发。

    He caressed my hair .

  6. 他思考时有抚摩下巴的习惯。

    He has a mannerism of rubbing his chin while thinking .

  7. 孩子伸出手轻轻地抚摩猫。

    The child put out a hand and stroked the cat softly .

  8. 那人走到猫跟前开始抚摩它。

    The man went up to the cat and started stroking it .

  9. 老太太伸手抚摩胸口。

    The old lady slipped a hand over the heart .

  10. 126.烟一下呛住了开玩笑的抚摩者。

    126 . The smoke choked the joking stroker at one stroke .

  11. 朱莉娅不得不克制住自己,没有去抚摩他的头发。

    Julia had to subdue an urge to his hair .

  12. “真漂亮。”他抚摩着腰带上流苏重复说。

    " It 's beautiful ," he repeated , fingering the fringe .

  13. 她抚摩我的二头肌还大喊大叫!

    She touched my bicep for crying out loud !

  14. 他们的相互抚摩是那么的亲密。

    See how they touch each other too intimately .

  15. 拥抱你的朋友,抚摩他们的背,碰碰他们的胳膊。

    Hug your friend , rub their back , and touch their arm .

  16. 每夜,在我的世界里,我也抚摩过你的身体。

    Every night , in my imagination , I also touch your body .

  17. 我的抚摩惹得它喉咙里长长的一声吼怒。

    My caress provoked a long , guttural gnarl .

  18. 我们要讨论一下“感官抚摩”吗?

    Rufus : " Sensuous massage . " Something we should talk about ?

  19. sensuous:感觉的,感官的massage:按摩“感官抚摩”我们要讨论一下吗?

    Rufus : " Sensuous massage . " Something we should talk about ? -

  20. 他抓着她的手,抚摩了一会儿,又朝她笑了笑。

    He played with her hand for a moment and grinned up at her .

  21. 教会孩子们怎么抚摩猫咪。

    Show children how to pet the kitten .

  22. 他用手抚摩她的头发。

    He ran his hand over her hair .

  23. 她抚摩着猫的柔毛。

    She stroked the cat 's fur .

  24. 他把手伸过马的前腿,抚摩它柔滑的皮毛。

    He passed his hand down the beast 's forelegs and stroked its sleek coat .

  25. 男人抚摩着她的秀发,说她一定会喜欢他所在的城市的。

    He smoothes her hair and tells her she is going to love his city .

  26. 你的抚摩使荒漠绽开生命的花朵

    Thy touch makes desert bloom to life

  27. 他利利索索地折上剃胡刀,用手指的触须抚摩着光滑的皮肤。

    He folded his razor neatly and with stroking palps of fingers felt the smooth skin .

  28. 它喜欢有人抚摩它。

    It liked to be stroked .

  29. 他抚摩著下巴,陷入沉思。

    He rubbed his chin thoughtfully .

  30. 这猫喜欢别人抚摩。

    The cat loves being stroked .