
zhé zhōnɡ
  • see also 折衷;compromise;mean
折中 [zhé zhōng]
  • (1) [compromise]∶取正;调节,使之适中,现多指协调不同意见,使各方都能接受

  • 言六艺者折中于夫子。--《史记.孔子世家赞》

  • 决狱折中,不杀无辜,不诬无罪。--《管子.小匡》

  • (2) 又作折衷

  • 折中方案

  1. 这种型号是价格和质量间的最佳折中方案。

    This model represents the best compromise between price and quality .

  2. 他需要在坦诚与唐突之间找到折中的方法。

    He needed to find a mean between frankness and rudeness .

  3. 餐馆必须在保证质量和价格低廉之间走出一条困难的折中之路。

    A restaurant has to tread the tricky path between maintaining quality and keeping prices down .

  4. 外交部长们经过反复讨论,已经制订出合适的折中方案。

    The foreign ministers have thrashed out a suitable compromise formula

  5. 我们折中一下,7,500美元怎么样?

    Shall we split the difference and say $ 7,500 ?

  6. 他们经过讨论达成了一项莫斯科可以接受的折中方案。

    They have thrashed out a compromise formula acceptable to Moscow

  7. 谈判人员定于今天晚些时候进行会谈,商定一个折中方案。

    Negotiators are due to meet later today to work out a compromise

  8. 找到皆大欢喜的折中办法颇有难度。

    It 's very difficult to strike a happy medium and make it right for everybody .

  9. 耶路撒冷市市长对各宗教采取折中的态度,力图使冲突最小化。

    The Mayor of Jerusalem has tried to minimise conflict by maintaining a middle way between the various religions .

  10. 他们两个都太固执,都不同意一项折中办法。

    Both of them are too stubborn to agree a compromise .

  11. 我们采取折中办法吧,每人付一半的赔偿费。

    Let 's compromise and each pay half the damages .

  12. 他们采取折中的办法去看电影。

    They compromised by going to the cinema .

  13. 对我而言,折中的方法是在考试前一两天提前得知题目,然后在课上按照规定时间完成考试。

    It seems to me that a compromise would be receiving the exam questions a day or two in advance , and then doing the actual test in class the ticking clock overhead .

  14. 没有折中的选择。

    There is no middle ground .

  15. 问题是要找出处理过宽和处罚过严的折中办法。

    It 's a question of finding the means between too lenient treatment and too severe punishment .

  16. 后来出现的置信传播(BP)算法,可以认为是二者的折中。

    Later , the Belief Propagation algorithm can be considered both the compromise .

  17. 林赛:为解释我在2011年的发现,我造了一个新短语:中国以外的长城(GreatWalloutsideChina)。这是一种折中的说法。

    To explain my findings of 2011 , I coined a new term : ' Great Wall outside China . ' Which is a compromise .

  18. 甚至连国际货币基金组织(IMF)都希望这些折中方案能成功实施。

    It is even blessed by the IMF .

  19. MIMO系统分集复用折中及自适应链路实现

    Diversity-Multiplexing Switched MIMO System with Link Adaptive

  20. 同时,对流水线结构ADC功耗与速度进行了折中分析,为了实现低功耗,采用了分辨率为每级1.5位的流水线结构。

    By analyzing the tradeoff between the speed and dissipation , 1.5bit/ stage pipeline ADC is adopted .

  21. 决定为iPhone创建自定义内容是对两种较为极端的选择的折中。

    The decision to create custom content for the iPhone is the middle ground between two more extreme options .

  22. 最好的折中办法是运行4处理器VMs

    The overall best compromise is to run4 processor VMs

  23. 基于LS的信道估计算法在工程中应用最为广泛,而基于DFT插值的信道估计算法是各种插值算法中性能和复杂度折中的算法。

    CE algorithm based on DFT interpolation is a trade-off between complexity and performance among all sorts of interpolation algorithms .

  24. FPGA具有可重构能力以及在性能和灵活性方面的良好折中,基于FPGA的开发设计方法受到网络研究者的广泛关注。

    While FPGA has the ability of reconfiguration , and compromises on both performance and flexibility , the method of development design based on FPGA attracts extensive attention .

  25. FPGA是视频图像实时处理技术中最佳的折中方案,能够满足轨距自动检测系统高速、实时的检测要求。

    FPGA is the best eclectic project in video image real time processing technology and it can satisfy the requirements of high speed and real time in gauge automatic measurement system .

  26. 加法器的设计采用了先进的并行前缀Hancarlson结构,对逻辑级数与扇出度进行了很好的折中。

    Advanced Hybrid Prefix Adder Han Carlson structure is adopted in adder design which is a find trade-off between logic level and fan-out .

  27. 在算法性能与复杂度之间折中考虑,并行干扰消除(PIC)可认为是CDMA系统中最具有实用意义的一种多用户检测技术。

    Due to comprise of performance and complex , parallel interference canceller ( PIC ) is one of the most feasible multi-user detection technologies in CDMA system .

  28. 为了克服这个问题,采用多目标EA,在最优模糊规则数目和预测准确性之间,找到折中解的范围。

    To overcome the problem , we use a multi-objective EA to find a range of compromise solutions between the optimal number of fuzzy rules and the prediction accuracy .

  29. 用EGR技术和提高喷射压力似乎是打破NOx和PM的折中效应,整体降低排放的关键。

    Using EGR or increasing peak injection pressure seems to be the key factor to break the NOx - PM trade off and reducing them at the same time .

  30. 针对自适应谐波电流检测方法收敛速度与稳态精度需折中考虑的问题,采用单相并联有源电力滤波器(APF)作为硬件平台。

    The single-phase shunt APF is taken as the hardware platform in studying the balance between convergence speed and steady state accuracy of adaptive harmonic current detection algorithm .