
kànɡ biàn quán
  • right to defense;right to plea;right of pleadings
  1. 票据抗辩权初探

    A Preliminary Probe into the Right to Defense in Commercial Instrument Law

  2. 我国合同法规定了默示预期违约与不安抗辩权这两种有较多相似之处的制度。

    Two similar theories , implied anticipatory breach of contract and precarious right to defense , are simultaneously adopted by Chinese contract law .

  3. 抗辩权(Einrede)是德国民法典中规定的一项基本权利,德国学者在六、七十年代对抗辩权的概念进行过激烈的争论。

    Objection ( Einrede ) is one of the fundamental conceptions in the Civil Code of Germany ( BGB ), on which the germane scholars intensively discussed in the sixties and seventies .

  4. 工程预付款情境下的不安抗辩权研究

    Unsafe right of defense on the context of project advance payment

  5. 关于合同履行中的抗辩权隐私权有关问题的分析

    On Counterargument Right While Carrying Out Contracts On Right of Privacy

  6. 行使后履行抗辩权的合同法解释

    Explanation of contract law on performance of the right of plea

  7. 其次,对物业服务合同履行抗辩权法理进行分析。

    Secondly , construed the legal performance of right of defense .

  8. 论不安抗辩权脂质体的研究进展

    On the System of Right of Plea Against the Advance Performance

  9. 正确适用合同抗辩权应注意把握的法律问题

    Correctly Appling Contract Defenses should Pay Attention to the Legal Issues

  10. 关于不安抗辩权若干问题的探讨

    Inquiring into Some Questions about the Right of Unstable Counterplea

  11. 论票据保证人的援用抗辩权

    The counterargument right of adduction of the negotiable instruments guarantor

  12. 建筑活动中抗辩权的适用

    On Application of the Right to Defend in Architectural Activities

  13. 双务合同抗辩权体系之构建

    The Establishment of the Defense System in the Performance of Bilateral Contract

  14. 提单项下之抗辩权研究

    Research on the defense rights under the bill of lading

  15. 略论合同履行中的不安抗辩权

    On the Right to Plea of Unease During the Performance of Contract

  16. 界定了工程合同中不安抗辩权行使的范围和限制。

    Stated the scope and restriction of unassured pleading in the pape .

  17. 不安抗辩权的效力与适用范围

    On the Effect and Scope of Application of Unsafe Right of Defense

  18. 试论供用电合同中不安抗辩权的运用

    Application of Discomposure Demurrer Right in Power Supply Contract

  19. 我国合同法不安抗辩权制度评析

    Analysis of the Performance Right to Plea System in Contract Law of China

  20. 应当确立催告抗辩权制度

    On the Necessity of Establishing the System of Right of Plea for Interpellatio

  21. 中美两国新闻诽谤抗辩权比较研究

    Contrastive Study on the Sino-American Press Malign Defense Right

  22. 浅谈赠与合同中的穷困抗辩权

    A Brief Talk on the Poverty State Counterplead Right Stipulated in Donation Contract

  23. 第一部分是对不安抗辩权制度的理论分析。

    Part 1 analyses the theory of the unsafe right of defense system .

  24. 独立担保项下担保人的抗辩权初探

    A Study on the Rights of Defenses of Guarantors in Independent Guarantee Transactions

  25. 论我国担保法中的先诉抗辩权制度

    Talk about the Counterplead Right of Telling first in Our Country Assurance Law

  26. 新合同法对不安抗辩权的完善

    The Improvements of the New Contract Law to the Right to the Unpeaceful Plea

  27. 论不安抗辩权超越与回归&张炜创作中恋母倾向的深层解读

    On the Right of Counterplea Transcendence and Regression

  28. 海事赔偿责任限制抗辩权论

    On the nature of limitation of liability for maritime claims & a defense right

  29. 不安抗辩权制度是一项具有深厚历史积淀的法律制度。

    The unsafe right of defense is a legal system with a long history .

  30. 保证人无先诉抗辩权的,保证期间应自主债务人不履行债务时开始计算。

    Otherwise , the term of suretyship starts when the debtor refuses his obligations .