
kànɡ yuán chénɡ dì xì bāo
  • antigen presenting cell
  1. 树突状细胞(Dendriticcell,DC)作为体内最强的抗原呈递细胞(Antigenpresentingcell,APC)在CNS脱髓鞘疾病中发挥着重要的作用。

    Dendritic cell ( DC ) which act as the strongest antigen presenting cell ( APC ) in the body play an important role in demyelinating disease of CNS .

  2. 结合IFN的三维结构进行分析,三组模拟表位均暴露在IFN分子结构的外部,更容易被抗原呈递细胞上的抗原识别受体所识别。

    Analysis on the three-dimensional structure of IFN - α 2b showed that all 3 mimetic epitopes exposed to outsides of the whole molecular , which was easy to recognize by the antigen receptor of the antigen presenting cell .

  3. 树突状细胞(DC)是骨髓来源的专职抗原呈递细胞。

    Dendritic cells ( DC ) are bone marrow - derived professional antigen-presenting cells .

  4. 在这个过程中,抗原呈递细胞(Antigenpresentingcell,APC)起了至关重要的作用。

    During this course , APC ( antigen presenting cell ) is of crucial importance .

  5. 树突状细胞(Dendriticcells,DC)能够刺激并致敏初始T细胞和启动早期免疫反应而被认为是最重要的抗原呈递细胞。

    Dendritic cells ( DC ) are specialized antigen-presenting cells that prime naive T cells to induce initial immune responses .

  6. DC是功能最强的专职抗原呈递细胞,其首要的功能是诱导机体产生初次免疫应答。

    Dendritic cells ( DC ) are potent professional antigen-presenting cells , the prime role of which is to induce primary immunity response .

  7. 树突状细胞(DC)作为功能最为强大的抗原呈递细胞,对肿瘤免疫起着关键的启动作用。

    As the potent professional antigen present cell , dendritic cells ( DC ) play an important role in the initiation for anti-tumor immunity .

  8. 其主要的效应细胞有CD4~+T细胞、CD8~+T细胞、B细胞、分化的浆细胞、巨噬细胞和抗原呈递细胞等;

    Major effector cells include CD4 + T cells , CD8 + T cells , B cells , differentiated plasma cells , macrophages , and antigen-presenting cells ( APCs ) and so on .

  9. 表达GFP的重组减毒鼠伤寒沙门氏菌体内感染抗原呈递细胞的动态变化

    In vivo dynamic changes of antigen presenting cells infected with recombinant attenuated Salmonella typhimurium expressing green fluorescent protein

  10. 与其他抗原呈递细胞不同,DC最大的特点是能够显著刺激初始型T细胞增殖,促进T辅助细胞和细胞毒T淋巴细胞的生成,也能促进B细胞发育、分化及激活。

    Compared with other antigen presenting cells , DC could highly stimulate naive T cell proliferate , accelerate help T cell and cytotoxic T cell generate , facilitate B cell develop , differentiate and activating .

  11. 大量研究已证明CpG-ODN具有直接激活B细胞增殖、促进树突状细胞成熟及诱导抗原呈递细胞分泌多种细胞因子等作用。

    Accumulating evidence has revealed CpG-ODN activate directly proliferation of B cells , facilitate maturation of dendritic cells and induce secretion of cytokines from APCs .

  12. 树突状细胞(Dendriticcells,DCs)是机体重要的抗原呈递细胞,可将肿瘤性抗原加工、呈递给自然杀伤细胞和细胞毒T细胞,对肿瘤起杀伤作用。

    Dendritic cells is the important antigen presentation cells in body which can present tumor antigen to nature killed cells and cytotoxic cells , so can exercise the function of killing tumor .

  13. 第一条信号由抗原呈递细胞表面的MHC-抗原肽复合物与相应的T细胞抗原特异性受体(TCR)结合产生。

    Antigen-presenting cell surface MHC-peptide complex combine to the corresponding antigen-specific T cell receptor ( TCR ) produce the first signal .

  14. 方法分离培养小鼠脾脏CD4+T淋巴细胞,以去除T细胞的脾细胞作为抗原呈递细胞,交联CD3单克隆抗体活化T细胞。

    Methods Murine splenic CD4 + T cells were stimulated with immobilized anti-CD3 antibody in the pre - sence of T-depleted splenocytes .

  15. DC作为机体内功能最强的抗原呈递细胞(Antigenpresentingcell,APC),目前已知其具有启动免疫应答和免疫耐受双重作用,参与机体免疫反应的调节。

    DC is the strongest antigen-presenting cell ( APC ) in body . It has been known that the cells have dual role in immunologic response and tolerance , and accommodate immune response in the body .

  16. 双标染色显示:龋病牙髓中神经肽与抗原呈递细胞共聚集在龋坏相应冠髓的造牙本质细胞层下,CGRP接触或包绕树突状细胞;

    Double-immunohistochemical staining showed that the tendency of co-increase of sensory neuropeptides and antigen-presenting cells was apparent in the carious region . The CGRP contacted with HLA-DR-positive cells .

  17. 背景与目的:树突细胞是最重要的抗原呈递细胞,它可以合成和分泌S100蛋白。

    BACKGROUND OBJECTIVE : Dendritic cells ( DCs ) are the most important antigen-presenting cells , and can synthesize and secrete S100 protein .

  18. 这些DC表达抗原呈递细胞的表型具有刺激T淋巴细胞增殖和诱导CTL反应以及分泌IL12和促进T细胞分泌IFNγ的?

    They have the ability of stimulating T lymphocyte proliferation and inducing CTL reaction to clear leukemia cells , and the DCs secrete IL 12 and increase secretion of IFN γ by T cells .

  19. 早期研究显示,其主要生物功能为限制炎症反应及调节多种免疫细胞的分化和增殖,例如:T细胞、B细胞、NK细胞、抗原呈递细胞、肥大细胞、粒细胞等。

    Its main biological function seems to be the limitation and termination of inflammatory responses and the regulation of differentiation and proliferation of several immune cells such as T cells , B cells , natural killer cells , antigen - presenting cells , mast cells , and granulocytes .

  20. 1,25-二羟维生素D3及其类似物除了直接作用于T细胞外,还通过各种机制调节抗原呈递细胞的表型和功能,尤其是树突细胞。

    In addition to direct effects on T cell activation , 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 and its analogue modulate with different mechanisms the phenotype and function of antigen-presenting cells ( APC ), and , in particular , of dendritic cells ( DC ) .

  21. 正常及紫外线照射小鼠抗原呈递细胞在接触性过敏反应中的特性

    Characteristics of antigen-presenting cells involved in contact sensitization of normal and UV-irradiated mice

  22. 其能够抑制同种异体的T细胞的应答和修饰抗原呈递细胞的成熟。

    They are able to suppress allogenic T-cell response and modify maturation of antigen-presenting cells .

  23. 补骨脂及双氢青蒿素对隐孢子虫感染小鼠抗原呈递细胞功能调节作用的观察

    Regulation of Fructus Psoraleae , Dihydroartemisinin and Their Combination on APC Function in Mouse Cryptosporidiosis

  24. 作为抗原呈递细胞,树突细胞是识别抗原并将其呈递给免疫系统细胞的主要细胞。

    Antigen-presenting dendritic cells are essential for the recognition and presentation of allergens immune system .

  25. 嗜酸性粒细胞可作为抗原呈递细胞

    Eosinophils function as antigen presenting cells

  26. 人龋病牙髓中神经肽和抗原呈递细胞的动态研究

    A Study on Kinetics of Sensory Neuropeptides and Antigen-presenting Cells in Human Dental Pulp of Carious Teeth

  27. 脾白髓中HLA-DR+抗原呈递细胞明显减少。

    HLA-DR ~ + antigen presenting cells ( APC ) reduced remarkably in the SARS spleen white pulp .

  28. 在这些细胞中,树突状细胞作为专职的抗原呈递细胞,在诱导免疫反应中扮演着不可缺少的角色。

    Dendritic cells of these cells as professional antigen-presenting cells play a unique role to induce primary immune response .

  29. 树突状细胞是体内最强的抗原呈递细胞,在免疫系统中发挥着重要的作用。

    Dendritic cells are the most powerful antigen presenting cells , which plays very important effect in immune system .

  30. 胸腺树突状细胞作为胸腺内功能强大的抗原呈递细胞,在阴性选择中必定发挥着不可忽视的作用。

    Because thymic dendritic cells are the potent antigen presenting cells in the thymus , they must play an important role in thymic negative selection .