
  • 网络investment budget;money
  1. EVA在项目投资预算中的应用研究

    On use of EVA in project investment budget

  2. 从工程规模、投资预算、控制器组态及网络通讯等方面,介绍了影响DCS系统选型时的几个因素。

    The paper introduces several factors that influence the type-selection of DCS system in the following aspects , such as engineering scale , the investment budget , the controller and the network communication .

  3. 让财务部起草一份投资预算。

    Have finance draw up a budget for these investments .

  4. 对剩余方案进行风险评估,并进行投资预算。

    The remaining proposals are compared through risk assessment and investment budget .

  5. 光伏电站建设项目投资预算的编制

    Stablishment of the PV power station project investment budget

  6. 尽管企业不断增加信息安全投资预算,然而效果并不明显。

    Firms have been increasing their information security budgets significantly , but with little success .

  7. 本财政年度的全部投资预算已用完。

    We have already used up our total investment budget for the current fiscal year .

  8. 激励与项目投资预算决策

    Incentives and Project Investment Budget Decision

  9. 她说,投资预算和将要生产的汽车型号等细节问题尚未决定。

    Details including expected investment and types of cars for production are undecided , she said .

  10. 三是进行必要的投资预算,科学分析预测经济、社会、生态三方面效益情况。

    Thirdly , the necessary investment budget , economic , social , and ecological effectiveness are analysised and forecasted .

  11. 年度计划包含总体目标和各市州的具体目标,并提出了初步的投资预算。

    The annual plan contains the overall goal , the specific target of each city and the preliminary investment budget .

  12. 然而,这些工程真正按进度、质量要求、投资预算完成且用户满意的,只占极少数,不足20%。

    However , only 20 % of them are satisfying as far as the procedure , quality and budget are concerned .

  13. 向厂长详细说明、建议本部门内的运营及投资预算,并予以实施及控制;

    Defines , suggests to Plant manager , implements and controls an operating and investment budget with reference to the activity of his department .

  14. 文物保护和考古调查、勘探、发掘经费,要列入建设工程投资预算。

    Expenditures for the protection of cultural relics , archaeological investigations , explorations and excavations should be included in the investment budget of construction projects .

  15. 面对着汽车市场的多变性和世界金融危机,科学的,完善的采购投资预算管理对一汽-大众的生存发展至关重要。

    In face of the variety of car market and the whole world finance risk , scientific , perfect purchasing investment budget is essential for FAW-VW development .

  16. 在长期投资预算中必须注意研究资金需求预算、资金成本、折现率、现金流量和投资风险等问题。

    In the long term investment budget , Attention must be paid to capital demand budget , capital cost , discount rate , cash flow and investment risk .

  17. 也就是说现阶段的企业预算仍然主要集中于财务预算,对投资预算、筹资预算等专项预算考虑较少,没有建立企业全面预算管理体制。

    Enterprises budget mainly focuses on financial budget , little is taken into consideration of investment budget and funding budget , comprehensive budget management system is not established .

  18. 本文针对我国中小企业信息化建设的实际,提出信息化建设的软、硬件结构和投资预算方案。

    Based on the practical situation of our country , this paper puts forward the software and hardware structure of informationization development , and the scheme of investment budget .

  19. 为了适应不断变化的环境,航运企业需要利用财务方法与工具以增加筹资,满足主要投资预算。

    In order to adapt to the changing environment , shipping companies need to use the financial methods and tools to increase funding to meet the major investment budget .

  20. 该框架包括安全决策启动判断、安全投资预算调控和风险控制决策三个阶段。

    The framework includes three phases : startup of security decision judging phase , budget on the investment of security adjusting and controlling phase , and risk control decision making phase .

  21. 接着对项目配套工程建设要求、投资预算及资金筹措、劳动定员与人员培训以及项目建设进度安排等进行统筹安排。

    Then , supporting construction of the project requirements , the investment budget and funding , and personnel work and personnel training , and project construction schedule and other co-ordination arrangements .

  22. 通过将软件工程有效应用于投资预算管理,本文在院校基建工程投资预算管理系统建设方面做了一些探索。

    This paper has done some explorations in the developments on investment budget management system in capital construction projects of universities by applying software engineering in the investment budget management mechanism .

  23. 通过实地收集的需求量、价格、竞争品、成本等数据,对目标市场进行了定位,作出了投资预算和盈利测算。

    We collect a great mumber of data of demand , price , competitors and cost about these segment market , foucs on target market , work out investment budget and make prediction of profit .

  24. 但在目前的院校基建工程投资预算管理体系中,主要采取手工操作方式,运行效率较低、预算执行偏差较大等问题较为突出。

    But in the present investment budget management process in capital construction projects of universities manually ways are adopted mainly . Several problems are becoming increasingly prominent such as worse efficiency and larger budget implementation deviation .

  25. 根据原料、产品市场预测及规划周期内的投资预算,建立了以规划周期内净现值为目标的模型,能准确测算投资回报。

    In accordance with the market supply and demand of raw materials and products together with the investment budget of the planning cycle , a long term planning model was established aiming at the net present value .

  26. 全面预算是企业内部管理控制的一种主要方法,是集业务预算、投资预算、资金预算、利润预算、工资性支出预算以及管理费用预算等为一体的综合性预算方法。

    The comprehensive budget management system is a major method of control is an operational budget , investment budget , capital budget , the budget profits , wages and the cost of budget and management budget for the integrated approach of the budget .

  27. 主要对市场需求预测、产品开发与制造技术可行性、生产可行性、投资预算与筹措、各项生产费用、财务评价指标进行了回顾与分析。

    The main analysis and review was the demand and forecast of the market , the feasibility of product developing and technology , the feasibility of produce , investment budget and collection , all kinds of produce cost , indication of evaluating finance .

  28. 新的基金将为国际开发协会(IDA)和国际复兴开发银行(IBRD)成员国的投资和预算支持方案提供快速反应融资,以解决食品危机带来的紧急需求。

    The new facility will provide rapid response financing for investment and budget support programs in IDA and IBRD countries to address immediate needs arising from the food crisis .

  29. 中国企业海外投资资本预算决策支持系统的开发

    Development of Decision Supporting System for Capital Budgeting of Chinese Enterprises ' Offshore Investment

  30. 本文讨论了研制中国企业海外投资资本预算决策支持系统的主要策略;

    This paper discussed the main tactics in the development of the decision supporting system for the capital budgeting of the Chinese enterprises ? offshore investment .