- investor

The writer is an investor , entrepreneur and author of ' Zero to One "
Investor Warren Buffett famously lives in the Omaha bungalow he purchased 50 years ago .
If the pound 's value is high , British investors will spend their money abroad because the pound will buy them more .
Anderson is head of Strategic News Service , a newsletter publisher for industry leaders and venture capitalists .
For venture investment , IOP can obtain higher investment return , so it is considered the best withdrawing mode .
The VC had been outbid on several properties during the pre-facebook frenzy , when asking prices could be a mere suggestion & on the low end .
WARREN BUFFETT , one of the world 's most famous investors , once called derivatives " financial weapons of mass destruction " .
This paper , with a Stackelberg game model , analyzes the distribution between entrepreneurs and venture capitalists .
With more and more foreign VCs localized , VC would increase the frequency and the size when investing into local firms , because the monitoring became more and more convenient .
Fred Destin , a venture capitalist at Atlas Venture who has worked in both Europe and America , sees a double standard .
Brad Feld , a US venture capitalist based in Colorado , has held informal wakes for companies .
Wilson , a venture capitalist , has been advising developers to write first for Android , predicting that the iPhone vs. Android battle will turn out to be a replay of windows vs. Macintosh .
YC 's warehouse space , corrugated with three rows of tables made from plywood and white melamine , overflows with angels and venture capitalists .
Saul Klein , a UK-based British venture capitalist and entrepreneur , believes Europeans can , by putting in some extra groundwork to compensate for national barriers and risk-averse cultures .
In all the hubbub over Facebook ( FB ) shares falling below their $ 38 IPO price , venture capitalist bill Gurley reminds us that such a " break " does not necessarily mean that the stock is a long-term dud .
According to the analysis , the main factors influencing the game equilibrium are whether the buyback agreement is signed between venture enterprises and venture capitalists , the sum of punishment , and whether venture enterprises satisfy the requirement of IPO .
Named after Warren Buffett , the billionaire investor who famously pays a lower income tax than his secretary , it would impose a minimum 30 per cent tax on those earning more than $ 1m a year .
In 2010 and 2011 , the four hottest pre-IPO Internet companies amongst venture capitalists were Facebook , Zynga , Groupon and twitter – the " four horsemen " of the Internet , as they were commonly called .
When Dave McClure , a venture capital investor from Silicon Valley , spoke at an internet entrepreneurs ' club in China last week , he had a lot of praise for his hosts .
Meanwhile , investors like angel Ron Conway , who says he sees roughly 70 % of all startup deals in the valley , are dying to get in on a piece of the company .
Apparently there is a new data analysis product called quid that is able to detect what sectors in a given industry are ripe for innovation , and direct venture capitalists toward the best opportunities .
As a VC , Burbidge has taken a somewhat maverick approach , declaring she won 't invest in " jerks " and backing Lulu , a controversial dating app that allows women to rate men .
Last month , 3DR , a drone maker in Berkeley , Calif. , one of whose founders is Chris Anderson , a former editor of Wired magazine , raised $ 64 million from a group of venture capitalists and corporate investors .
Pulling suspicious-looking email attachments and testing them in ringfenced " sandboxes " before allowing them to be delivered offers the promise of filtering out many of these malware threats , almost in real time , according to Asheem Chandna , a former security industry executive and now venture capital investor at Greylock .
On the Principal-agent relationship and Control Mechanism in Venture Capital Fund
Study on the Model of Investment Decision Process of Venture Capitalist
Study on the Two-Sided Matching Model between Venture Capitalists and Entrepreneurs
The conference was also filled with early-stage investors and VCs .
Venture Capitalists as Principals : Contracting , Screening , and Monitoring
Billionaire investor Warren Buffett was terrified of public speaking .