
tóu zī fǎ
  • investment law;law of investment
  1. 本文试图从WTO协定的投资法角度,对这些问题作初步的讨论。

    This essay will make initial discussion on these questions from the investment law 's angle of the WTO agreements .

  2. 随着国际经济形势的变化,以及国际投资法的不断完善,BIT的内容也在不断发展。

    With the changes in international economic situation and the improvement of international investment law , the contents of bilateral investment treaties are innovative .

  3. 论WTO协定体制对国际投资法的发展

    On the Development of International Investment Law under the Institution of WTO

  4. 本文就加入WTO对中国在国际投资法领域的影响,进行了较为全面的分析。

    The essay completely analyses the influence of China 's WTO Entry in the field of the law of international investment .

  5. 交易仍然有待监管部门批准,包括依照《加拿大投资法》(investmentcanadaact)接受的审查,该法要求相关方面证明交易能够为加拿大创造“净收益”。

    The transaction still requires regulatory approvals , including clearance under the Investment Canada Act , which requires parties to demonstrate a " net benefit " to Canada .

  6. 《TRIMs协议》与中国外商投资法的完善

    The Agreement on TRIMs and to Improve Chinese Foreign Investment Legislation

  7. 但行业领袖一致认为,加拿大的保守党政府必须澄清什么是“净效益”根据《加拿大投资法》(investmentcanadaact),外国投资者必须证明自己能够带来净效益。

    But business leaders agree that the conservative government needs to clarify the definition of " net benefit " that foreign investors are required to demonstrate under the Investment Canada Act .

  8. TRIMS协议对中国外商投资法的影响

    On TRIMS Agreement 's Effects on the Foreign Investment Law of China

  9. 在我国加入WTO后,中国投资法必须确立四大基本理念,即鼓励投资理念,投资效益最大化理念,投资风险约束理念和投资引导理念。

    After taking part in WTO , we should establish four basic ideas , namely , encouraging investment idea , maximum profit idea , constraining investment idea , and guiding investment idea .

  10. 中国外资立法与WTO的要求还有相当的距离,还需要大刀阔斧地改革,建立一个新的开放的投资法体系。

    To meet the requirement of WTO , China 's foreign investment law has to be changed and reformed in a large degree , thus , an open new system of investment law is expected .

  11. 本文的创新之处在于不仅分析QFII制度本身,还分析了其与国际投资法的协调。其中有的问题尚未解决,而且中国在资本市场全面开放以后仍然要面对。

    Some of the issues have not been solved , and will need to be solved even after completely opening of China capital market .

  12. 泰国的外企要准备应对更加动荡的局势了。泰国政府昨日强调,将加紧修改外国投资法。此前泰国的贸易伙伴曾纷纷警告,修改投资法可能会违背泰国政府对世贸组织(WTO)的承诺。

    Foreign businesses in Thailand were braced for further turbulence yesterday as the government insisted it would press ahead with changes to foreign investment laws , even as trading partners warned these could breach Bangkok 's World Trade Organisation commitments .

  13. 加拿大联邦工业部长托尼克莱门特(tonyclement)上周五表示,他将在《加拿大投资法》(investmentcanadaact)规定的期限内,在11月3日午夜前作出最后决定。

    Tony Clement , the federal industry minister , said on Friday he would make a final decision on the deal by midnight on November 3 , the deadline set by the Investment Canada Act .

  14. 其中《TRIMs协议》、GATS对国际直接投资法产生直接的影响。

    Among them , Agreement on Trade-related Investment Measures ( Agreement on TRIMs ) and General Agreement on Trade in Service ( GATS ) influence FDI mostly .

  15. 今年4月,加拿大政府阻止了美国allianttechsystems收购macdonald-dettwiler空间科技分公司的计划,这是加拿大政府根据《加拿大投资法》(investmentcanadaact)否决的第一笔交易。

    In April , the Canadian government blocked the US group Alliant Techsystems from purchasing the space technology division of MacDonald dettwiler the first transaction ever blocked under the Investment Canada Act .

  16. 但知情人士表示,其中部分资金可能被用于满足《社区再投资法》(CommunityReinvestmentAct,CRA)的要求。此项法案出台于1977年,旨在防止银行歧视少数族群和较为贫穷的社区。

    But people close to the situation said some of the funds could be used to fulfil the requirements of the Community Reinvestment Act , a 1977 law designed to prevent banks from discriminating against minorities and poorer neighbourhoods .

  17. SeanTurnell是澳大利亚麦考瑞大学的经济学家,他说外国投资法正面临着当地的非难或倒退。

    Recent versions of the law restrict foreign ownership in some industries and ban it completely in others . Sean Turnell is an economist with Australia 's Macquarie University . He said the foreign investment law is now facing local , or push back .

  18. 国际投资法嬗变中的自由化趋势

    The Tendency of Liberalization in the Evolution of International Investment Laws

  19. 公司与投资法,规定公司的法律框架和融资方法;

    Company financial law dictate the legal framework funding of organisations .

  20. 我国现在制定一部有限合伙的市场主体法是否必要值得探究。建议起草一部专门的《创业投资法》。

    The author suggests drawing up a special law-law on start-up investment .

  21. 论国际投资法实体规范的生成

    Observations on the Emergence of the Substantive International Law on Foreign Investment

  22. 国际投资法已呈现出前所未有的自由化趋势。

    The international investment law presents the unprecedented liberalization trend .

  23. 待遇问题是国际投资法中的核心问题、先决问题。

    Treatment is the core and preliminary problem of international investment law .

  24. 征收是国际投资法上经久不衰的话题。

    Expropriation is an enduring topic in international investment law .

  25. 金融危机背景下中国外商投资法的重构

    The Reconstruction of Chinese Foreign Investment Law under Financial Crisis

  26. 我管那方法叫雪茄烟蒂投资法。

    I call it the " cigar butt " approach to investing .

  27. 从菲律宾外国投资法看我国外资法律制度的完善

    Learning from Philippine 's Foreign Investment Law to Improve Ours

  28. 国际投资法与国际投资的发展并不同步,具有相当的不平衡性。

    The development of international investment and International Investment Law are quite unbalanced .

  29. 非洲国家投资法的优劣势分析

    The Analysis of the Advantages and Disadvantages of African Countries ' Investment Law

  30. 在价值投资法当中,情况恰巧相反。

    The exact opposite is true with value investing .