
  • 网络investment adviser
  1. 美国拥有66000多名注册理财规划师,另外还有不计其数的财富管理咨询公司和投资咨询师。他们当中有多少人开始为客户提供附加服务、他们可能提供什么服务,这些问题目前并无人去追踪了解。

    No one tracks how many of the country 's more than 66,000 certified financial planners , or countless other wealth-advisory firms and investment advisers , have started offering their clients perks , or exactly what those might be .

  2. 彼得·德鲁克作为投资银行的咨询师在英国工作了4年。

    Peter Drucker spent four years in Britain as an adviser to investment banks .