
  • 网络skill education
  1. 专业技能教育造就了个人的知识和才能。

    The career skill education brings up personal knowledge and ability .

  2. 针对高危行为青少年开展生活技能教育活动的评价

    Evaluation of life skill education among adolescents with high risk behaviors

  3. 职业教育高师英语职业技能教育改革

    Educational Reform of English Teaching Professional Techniques in Advanced Normal Academics

  4. 论新时期的监狱职业技能教育

    The New Period Education of Profession and Skill in Prison

  5. 高职院校应强化职业技能教育

    Vocational Colleges Should Strengthen Training of the Professional Skills

  6. 大学中级化学实验技能教育的创新研究

    Study of Creative on Intermediate Chemistry Experiment of Skill of Education of University

  7. 需要在我国中学生中开展系统的学校生活技能教育。

    Systematic education of the life-skill is needed to develop in the middle school .

  8. 生活技能教育与聋生的心理健康促进

    The Teaching of Life Skills and the Promotion of Mental Health in Deaf Students

  9. 此外,法学教育与法律职业相脱节也是造成我国法律职业技能教育缺乏的另一重要原因。

    Besides , the separation of legal education and legal profession is another important cause .

  10. 蒙城县中学生预防艾滋病生活技能教育效果评价

    Evaluation of life-skill education for AIDS prevention among the middle school students in Mengcheng County

  11. 昆明市中学生生活技能教育效果的评价

    A Research of Effect Evaluation of Life Skill Training for the Middle School Students , Kunming

  12. 校外青少年预防艾滋病生活技能教育评估实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis on Prevention of AIDS Out-of-school Youth and the Evaluation on Life Skills Education

  13. 分类教育的主要内容可包括:基础知识教育;基本技能教育;

    Classified education includes : basic knowledge education , basic skill education , specific quality education .

  14. 职业技能教育与培训是工科院校教学计划的重要组成部分。

    Vocational skills education and training is an important part of teaching programs in engineering colleges .

  15. 生活技能教育对聋生心理健康促进的实验研究

    An Experimental Research on the Effects of Life Skills Education on Mental Health in Hearing Impaired Children

  16. 罪犯职业技能教育的优劣对罪犯回归社会有重大影响。

    The vocational skills education for criminal has a major impact on the criminal 's returning to society .

  17. 目前,我国会计本科课程偏重技能教育忽视素质教育和职业道德的培养。

    But current accounting curricula excessively stress on technical education while neglect the quality education and occupational ethics .

  18. 对初中生开展生活技能教育提高艾滋病防治知识的效果评价

    Evaluation on the Effect of the Improvement of AIDS Knowledge through Life-skills Training for Junior High School Students

  19. 劳动技能教育是素质教育的重要组成部分,在素质教育中起着巨大的促进作用。

    Labour skill education is an important part of quality education and has great promoting effect on quality education .

  20. 注重成人学生的素质教育、实践技能教育、创造性教育;

    Drawing on the average higher education experience , the courses are designed to show the characteristics for adults .

  21. 现代会计教学的内容主要涵盖会计专业技能教育和会计职业道德教育。

    The content of modern accounting teaching mainly contains career skill education and moral education of the accounting profession .

  22. 加强心理健康教育和体育运动技能教育,对优化女生素质也有重要意义。

    Education for psychological heath and physical education also have a significant role in raising girls strdents ′ quality .

  23. 公民教育的内容从总体上包括公民的智能与技能教育、法律与道德规范教育、身心健康教育。

    The citizen education 's content includes : ability education 、 law and morality rule education 、 health education .

  24. 职业技能教育以劳动力后备力量为对象,是提高劳动者就业技能的重要途径。

    Vocational education to the labor reserve forces targeting to increase the employment skills of workers an important way .

  25. 钢琴音乐教育不仅仅是知识和技能教育,更重要的是一种文化教育。

    Piano music education is not only an education of knowledge and skills , but also an education of cultures .

  26. 二是教育问题。主要是文化基础教育、道德思想教育和专业技能教育明显滞后。

    The second is educational problems , which are basic literal education , ethic education and education of professional skills .

  27. 结论:在高职类医学生中开展艾滋病健康知识教育和自我保护技能教育是十分必要的。

    Conclusion : It is very necessary to develop health education about AIDS-related knowledge and self-protect technical ability in medical student .

  28. 专业基本理论、基本知识、基本技能教育是高等教育的主要内容。

    The education of basic professional theory , basic knowledge and basic technical ability are the main content of higher education .

  29. 以技术技能教育为主,教育重视科技素质的提高,但却忽视了对学生人文素质的培养。

    However the higher vocational education focuses the improvement of technical quality rather than the cultivation of students ' humanistic quality .

  30. 取消城镇教育特权,在农村发展职业技能教育和真正普及义务教育;

    Cancel the special rights of education in city , develop the technical skills education and popularize education in the countryside .