
jì shù gé mìng
  • technological revolution
技术革命 [jì shù gé mìng]
  • [technological revolution;technical revolution] 在生产技术上发生根本变革,使社会生产力的增长发生一个飞跃。如机器代替手工工具

  1. 也许借助这次新技术革命的工具,能消除上次工业化对自然界造成的一些破坏。

    Perhaps with the tools of this new technological revolution , we will be able to undo some of the damage done to the natural world by the last one-industrialisation .

  2. DNA改组&定向进化的技术革命

    DNA Shuffling & technological revolution of directed evolution

  3. 就像诸多的技术革命一样,你可能不太会注意到它。

    As with many technological revolutions , you are unlikely to be aware of it

  4. 我们的技术革命正在披荆斩棘,胜利前进。

    Our technical revolution is blazing its way forward through all the difficulties and advancing victoriously .

  5. 以互联网为代表的对信息和通信技术革命的迷恋使一些富裕国家得出了错误结论,认为制造事物是"昨天"的事情,所以应该努力依靠思想生活。

    The fascination with the ICT ( Information and Communication Technology ) revolution , represented by the Internet , has made some rich countries wrongly conclude that making things is so " yesterday " that they should try to live on ideas .

  6. CAD电子图纸是软件行业的一次技术革命,它将工程制图带入了个人计算机时代。

    CAD electronic drawing is a technique revolution in the software industry . It has brought engineering drawing into the era of personal computers .

  7. 突破第二代数字移动通讯系统的技术革命&中国移动通信集团发展GPRS技术的原因分析

    Technological Revolution about the Second Era Mobile Communication & Analysis of the Reasons about China 's Mobile Developing GPRS

  8. 人力资源管理外包(Humanresourcemanagementoutsourcing)这种新型管理方式在我国企业中的运用还尚属起步阶段,技术革命和经济全球化使得企业的经营环境迅速变化着。

    The human resource management outsourcing is a new method of management , and it is starting phase in our country . The innovation of technology and economic globalization change the economic environment of enterprises .

  9. 随着新兴技术革命的兴起和经济全球化的加快发展,对外开放及由此带来的FDI正逐步成为我国经济发展的重要推动力量。

    With the rapid development of emerging technology revolution and economic globalization , opening up and foreign direct investment ( FDI ) attracted by it gradually become an important driving force of economic development .

  10. 随着信息技术革命和计算机技术的飞速发展,可编程逻辑技术已发展成一门关键的科学技术,而FPGA在工业界也已被广泛的应用。

    With the revolution of information technology and the rapid development of computer technology , programmable logic technology has become a key science and technology , and FPGA has also been widely used in the industrial sector .

  11. 它给测绘和3S行业带来了一场新的技术革命,大大提高了工作效率,减轻了劳动强度,提高了定位精度。

    GPS brought a new technology revolution to the fields of mapping and 3S , with the result of improved work efficiency , lightened work intension , advanced orientation precision .

  12. 下一代网络(NGN)的提出带来了通信网络技术革命,NGN并不具体特指某一网络,而是泛指一种新的网络体系结构。

    The proposal of next generation net ( NGN ) brings a revolution of communication network technology . NGN is not a special type of network , however , it is a new network architecture .

  13. 新的设计思想带来新的技术革命,STM巧妙地利用探针近场(近距离)探测方法、隧道电流理论、压电陶瓷扫描方法等现代科学技术,大大扩展了显微技术的深度。

    New design idea brings new technology revolution . Scanning Probe Microscope ( STM ) uses the methods of close probe detection , the theory of tunnel current and the technology of piezoelectricity chinaware to improve the pro ˉ fundity of electro-microscope .

  14. 最新事态的发展预示着一场全球性的计算机技术革命。

    The recent development adumbrate a world-wide revolution in computer technology .

  15. 科学技术革命与社会生活方式变革

    Revolution of Science and Technology and Evolution of Social Life Styles

  16. 建筑设计如何迎接新的技术革命浪潮建筑科技工作面临新的挑战

    Facing the New Technical Revolution New Challenge to Building Science Workers

  17. 新技术革命条件下道德创新的思考

    Some Reflections on the Moral Innovation in a New Technological Age

  18. 基于信息技术革命的产业创新模式

    The Models of Industrial Innovation Based on the Information Technological Revolution

  19. 军事技术革命对军队规模结构的影响

    The influence of military technical revolution upon troops scale and structure

  20. 一项是实现了技术革命。

    One is the carrying out of the technical * revolution .

  21. 这种变革主要是由于技术革命引起的。

    This transformation has been due primarily to a technological revolution .

  22. 现代科学技术革命与肿瘤治疗的发展

    Modern Science and Technology Revolution and Progress of Therapy in Carcinoma

  23. 新技术革命与知识产权行政保护制度创新论要

    Technology Revolution and Protection for Intellectual Property through Administrative Mechanism

  24. 现代科学技术革命与体育&浅析体育科学进步的特点

    Modern science and technology revolution and sports features of sports science progress

  25. 吸收新技术革命的成果来推动生态农业的建设。

    Introducing new technologies to give impetus to the construction of e-co-agriculture .

  26. 新技术革命与当前和未来的国际关系

    New Technology Revolution and International Relations : Present and Future

  27. 新技术革命对中国轿车工业的影响

    An Influence of the New Technology Revolution on Chinese Passenger Car Industry

  28. 知识实践产生的直接前提是现代数字化信息技术革命。

    The prerequisite of practice is the digitized information revolution .

  29. 用数字化电控平台实现我国车用柴油机的技术革命

    Realize Automotive Diesel Engine Technology Revolution with the Digitization Electronic Control Platform

  30. 所以,我们需要的是一场技术革命。

    The need , then , is to generate a technological revolution .