
  • 网络technological change;technological innovation;technology change;technical change;skill-biased technical change
  1. Romer(1990)在《内生技术变迁》的研究中指出新技术的产生是由新技术的市场供给和市场需求共同决定的。

    Romer ( 1990 ) pointed out in the study of " endogenous technological change " that the generation of new technology is jointly determined by market supply and demand for new technologies .

  2. 从企业生态位看技术变迁对企业发展的影响

    The effect of technological change on organizations ' niche transition

  3. 2.技术变迁可能令Skype逐渐失宠。

    The shifting technology landscape would tilt the playing field away from Skype .

  4. 比较优势理论,战略、结构、绩效(SSP)理论,技术变迁理论是现代企业提高竞争力的主要手段。

    Comparative superiority theory and the achievements ( SSP ) theory , technical vicissitude theory is the main method for modern company to improve its competence .

  5. 新熊彼特技术变迁理论评述

    A Review on " New Schumpeterian " Theory of Technological Changes

  6. 数字时代背景下的信息存储技术变迁

    The Digital Age in the Context of Information Storage Technology Changes

  7. 技术变迁与城市化:理论与经验研究

    The Technology Transformation and Urbanization : Theoretical and Experiential Research

  8. 我国技术变迁对环境影响的计量分析

    Quantitative analysis on environmental effect of technological changes in China

  9. 本文对阻碍中国农业技术变迁的制度因素进行了深入分析。

    The paper profound analyse institution factors of Chinese agricultural technical progress .

  10. 强制性技术变迁、不平衡增长与中国经济周期模型

    Compelled Technological Change , Unbalanced Growth , and China 's Business Cycle

  11. 技术变迁中的赶超机制研究综述

    Summary of the Research on Overtaking Mechanism in Technological Change

  12. 诱致技术变迁与农业技术进步模式选择的理论分析&基于生产要素价格变动的视角

    Theoretical Analysis of Induced Technological Change and Choice of Agricultural Technological Progress Pattern

  13. 技术变迁的速度远超过传统法律。

    The speed of the technological changes has raced far ahead of conventional law .

  14. 能源技术变迁的复杂性研究

    Research on the Complexity of Energy Technological Change

  15. 技术变迁中的路径依赖与锁定及其政策含义

    Path Dependence and Locked-in in the Process of Technology Innovation and It 's Policy Significance

  16. 技术变迁的速度在整个供应链中也有变异的倾向。

    The speed of technological change has also tended to vary throughout the supply chain .

  17. 西方技术变迁与技能结构关系:一个微观视角下的研究述评

    Relationship between Technical Change and Structure of Skills in West : Literature Review under Micro-Perspective

  18. 技术变迁、要素积累与发展中国家服务贸易比较优势动态变化的研究

    Technology Change , Factor Accumulation and Dynamic Change in Comparative Advantage in Service Trade of Developing Countries

  19. 首先,政策与制度选择决定了技术变迁路径与经济增长方式。

    First , policies and institutions decide thedevelopment path of technology and the pattern of economic growth .

  20. 技术变迁呈现出频率越来越快、幅度越来越大、时间越来越短的态势。

    Technology changes are showing a trend of much faster frequency , larger range and shorter time .

  21. 强制性技术变迁、二元分化与中国通货膨胀模型

    Compelled Technical Change , the Division into Two Parts , and the Model of China 's Inflation

  22. 从发展过程的轨迹看,是一个技术变迁与制度变革交织的相互促进过程;

    From the track of development , it is mutual promotion process which interweaves technological with system changes .

  23. 其次界定了快速技术变迁的概念,并对其显著特点做了分析。

    And then the writer defined the concept of rapid technological change , and analyzed its salient features .

  24. 远程教育的分代不能局限在技术变迁上,而应该从社会形态的角度来思考;

    The divide of generation cannot be confined by the changes of technology , but should consider in terms of society pattern ;

  25. 资本积累、技术变迁与总量生产函数&基于中国1980-2005年经验数据的分析

    Capital Accumulation , Technical Change and Aggregate Production Function : A Study Based on Empirical Data from China between 1980 and 2005

  26. 同时,抗战时期政府推行的粮食增产等措施导致强制性技术变迁的发生。

    Measures taken by the governments during the Anti-Japanese War period to increase rice yield resulted in the forceful transition of technology .

  27. 技术变迁下企业技能结构研究是技术变迁理论和人力资源管理研究者始终关注的焦点问题。

    The research on relationship between technical change and structure of human resources is the focus for researchers on technological changes and HRM .

  28. 本文试图在西方政治体系发展的历史与逻辑相一致的理论框架中,探寻西方政治体系设计技术变迁的轨迹。

    The article inquires into the changes of designing technology of political system in the West on basis of the unity of history and logic .

  29. 粮食生产机械化不仅是农业技术变迁的一种自然发展过程,而且与制度变迁密切相关、互相促进。

    It is not only a natural development process of agricultural technological advance , and it also directly relates to system transition , and promotes each other .

  30. 技术变迁引起企业环境剧烈变化,规则不断被颠覆,竞争格局和产业结构不断被调整,这使企业经营面临前所未有的不确定性。

    Technology change will arouse poignant changes of enterprise environment , which include overthrown rules and regulated structure of competition and industry . All these make enterprise meet the uncertainty they never met .