
  • 网络torsional vibration;torsion vibration
  1. 悬索桥的非线性动力行为及其大振幅扭转振动

    Nonlinear Dynamics and Large ? scale Torsional Vibration of Suspension Bridges

  2. 谐波齿轮传动系统非线性扭转振动仿真软件设计

    Simulation Software Design for Harmonic Drive System Nonlinear Torsional Vibration

  3. 基于Web多分支扭转振动系统动力学性能的研究与开发

    Research of Dynamics Performance of Multi-Branch Torsional System and Development of Its Analysis Software Based on Web

  4. 该点扭转振动速度时程由快速Fourier逆变换计算。

    The time history of the velocity is calculated using inverse fast Fourier transform .

  5. ND5型机车轴系扭转振动数值模拟及试验研究

    Numerical Simulation and Experimental Research of Torsional Vibration of Shafting for ND_5 Type Locomotive

  6. 船舶轴系扭转振动计算的Riccati传递矩阵法

    A Mathematical Model for the Estimation of Marine Shafting Torsional Vibration Using Riccati Transfer Matrix Method

  7. MTMD控制非对称结构扭转振动的最优位置

    Optimum placement of MTMD for torsional vibration of asymmetric structures

  8. 大跨桥梁结构扭转振动的MTMD控制研究

    A Study on MTMD for Attenuating Pitching Motion of Long-span Bridge Structures

  9. 该齿轮副模型包含传统齿轮副扭转振动模型的全部动力学内容,能在ADAMS中方便定义,应用广泛。

    The model includes all the kinetic contents of a torsional vibration model , and can be defined easily and widely applied in ADAMS .

  10. 以一台多缸柴油机为例,采用结合有限元法(FEM)的多体系统仿真(MSS)方法,研究了曲轴的扭转振动。

    Combined with finite element method ( FEM ), the multi-body system simulation ( MSS ) method was applied to investigate the torsional vibration of a multi-cylinder diesel crankshaft .

  11. 为了建立基于优秀的多体动力学仿真软件(ADAMS)的齿轮传动系统虚拟样机模型,对传统的齿轮副扭转振动模型进行动力学等价变换,推导出一种齿轮副传动模型。

    To set up the virtual prototype of a gear train system in the dynamic analysis software ADAMS , the torsional vibration model of the gear pair is transformed into an equivalent kinetic model viz . the transmission model .

  12. 诞生于上世纪八十年代中期的双质量飞轮减振器(DualMassFlywheel,DMF)由于克服了CTD的不足,有效地降低传动系扭转振动,使得汽车减振降噪技术发生了质的飞跃。

    Dual Mass Flywheel ( DMF ) was invented in 1980s . As it can effectively overcome the shortcomings of CTD and reduce the torsional vibration of transmission agent , the automotive damping and noise reduction techniques was greatly enhanced .

  13. 采用阻抗匹配法进行分析,导出各子系统的动刚度表达式,对X型直升机传动系统扭转振动特性进行分析计算,并与原型机进行比较。

    In this paper , the dynamic stiffness matching method is used for analyses by which the expressions for dynamic stiffness of subsystems are deduced . The torsional vibration characteristics of transmission system for revised type helicopter are analyzed and compared to the results of the original helicopter .

  14. 基于扩展的传递矩阵法建立了车辆动力传动系无分支系统和有分支系统的统一数学模型,利用Matlab平台编制了车辆传动系扭转振动分析软件。

    The united computation model of unbranched system and branched system has been built based on the expanded transfer matrix , which can be used to analyse the torsional vibration of vehicle driveline . Making use of the platform in Matlab , the analysis software has been built .

  15. 柴油机轴系扭转振动的有限元分析及TVCS程序系统

    Finite Element Analysis on Torsional Vibration of Shaft System of Diesel Engine and Program System TVCS

  16. 对Jeffcott转子的非线性弯扭耦合振动微分方程进行了理论分析,得出了在弯扭组合共振区内弯曲振动和扭转振动的频率特征。

    The nonlinear dynamic behavior of a Jeffcott rotor with coupled bending and torsional vibrations is analyzed , and the relationship of frequency between bending and torsional vibrations in the combination-resonance field is obtained .

  17. DTMD是一种新型的具有双频率的调谐质量阻尼器,与普通TMD(调谐质量阻尼器)相比,可以同时实现对桥梁主梁竖向和扭转振动的控制。

    DTMD ( Dual-Frequency Tuned Mass Damper ) is a new-type tuned mass damper ( TMD ) with dual frequencies . Compared with the conventional TMD , it can simultaneously control the vertical and torsional vibrations of the bridge deck .

  18. 无阻尼固有特性分析表明,2K-H均布行星传动中存在三种典型的振动模式,即中心构件扭转振动模式、行星轮扭转振动模式与行星轮平移振动模式。

    On the basis of natural characteristics analysis , vibration modes of the undamped system are classified into three types , which are named rotational mode of the central members , rotational mode of the pinions and translational mode of the pinions , respectively .

  19. 环形可调液体阻尼器对扭转振动控制的试验研究

    Experimental Study of Torsional Vibration Control by Tuned Liquid Circular-column Damper

  20. 高速回转机械扭转振动测量的研究

    Research of Torsional Vibration Measurement of High speed Rotating Mechanical Devices

  21. 扭转振动是发动机一个重要的动力问题。

    Torsional vibration of engine crankshaft is an important dynamic problem .

  22. 汽车动力传动系扭转振动的研究

    A Study of Torsional Vibration on Power Driveline of the Vehicle

  23. 扭转振动测试方法及参数识别的研究

    Studies on the Test techniques and Parameter discernment for torsional vibration

  24. 基于A/D采样技术的新型扭转振动测量虚拟仪器

    New Virtual Instrument Measuring Torsional Vibration with A / D Technique

  25. 线性变厚度圆锥壳扭转振动的弹性力学理论解

    Elasticity solution for torsional vibration of conical shells with variable thickness

  26. 扭转振动柱体的理论分析内燃机气缸压力的振动信号倒谱识别方法

    Identification of Engine Cylinder Pressure from Vibration Signals by Cepstral Analysis

  27. 饱和地基上基础的扭转振动特性研究

    Study on the Torsional Vibrations of Foundations Resting on Saturated Grounds

  28. 基于传递矩阵法的车辆传动系统扭转振动分析

    Analysis on Torsional Vibration of Vehicle Driveline Based on Transfer Matrix

  29. 带有裂纹轴的齿轮耦合系统的扭转振动特性

    Torsional Vibration Characteristics of Gear System with a Cracked Shaft

  30. 内燃机轴系非线性扭转振动响应计算

    The calculation on nonlinear torsional vibration response of engine shafting