
niǔ yāng ge
  • do the yangko dance
扭秧歌 [niǔ yāng gē]
  • [do the yangko dance] 指跳秧歌舞(因跳此舞时身体扭动大)

扭秧歌[niǔ yāng ge]
  1. 在春节和元宵节期间,山西省北部的年轻村民们都喜欢扭秧歌,跳腰鼓舞,欢度佳节。

    And Lantern Festival , young villagers in northern Shanxi Province always do the Yangko dance and waist drum .

  2. 扭秧歌是欢度节日的必备节目。

    Yang-ge dancing is a necessity of celebrating holidays .

  3. 整个人物的动作也很有趣,像是扭秧歌。

    She loves singing , dancing , drawing and all other interesting things .

  4. 既有球类、体操等近代新兴项目,也有打腰鼓、扭秧歌等传统体育项目。

    New Modern both ball games , gymnastics , playing drum , dancing and other traditional sports .

  5. 说明扭秧歌运动不但可以娱乐,同时对中老年女性心肺功能的改善具有积极的作用。

    Do the Yangko sport not only can amuse , but also can improve the function of heart and lungs of middle ? aged and old women .

  6. 还有一个给我印象深刻的情景是,那些衣着鲜艳的老太太锣鼓喧天地扭秧歌。她们高涨的情绪非常具有感染力。

    Another sight that impresses me greatly is to watch those colorfully dressed elderly ladies doing the yangge dance to the loud rhythmic music of cymbals and drums .

  7. 扭秧歌无需特定的舞伴,只要绕着圈,或是组成类似康茄舞的队形就可以扭起来。小学生们放学后,也常常一路扭着秧歌回家。

    The Yangko was danced without any specific partner , either in a circle or in a kind of conga line which primary-school boys and girls often formed on the street as they came home from school .

  8. 元宵节的白天会有舞龙舞狮、划旱船、扭秧歌、踩高跷。

    In the daytime of the Festival , performances such as a dragon lantern dance , a lion dance , a land boat dance , a yangge dance , walking on stilts and beating drums while dancing will be staged .