
  • 网络Yangzhou massacre
  1. 对应中国版:扬州十日

    Chinese Counterpart : The Yangzhou Massacre

  2. 扬州十日大屠杀可能从未有过自己的成名曲,即使有也将会被之后的冰岛乐团所掩盖,然而就像是雷耶斯家族的覆灭,扬州十日也是为了报复官员和军民的反抗从而波及大量的无辜民众受害。

    The Yangzhou Massacre may never have gotten its own popular song that would later be covered by Sigur R ó s , but like the destruction of the Reynes of Castamere it involved the mass murder of innocent people in retaliation for the rebellious acts of their leaders and superiors .