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yáng zhōu bā guài
  • Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou
扬州八怪 [yáng zhōu bā guài]
  • [Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou] 中国清代康熙、雍正、乾隆时期扬州的一批画家,他们或为失意官吏,或为不得志文人,借书画抒写心中愤懑,但风格潇洒、不拘成法,有异于当时正宗的四王山水和恽派花鸟,被视为偏师和怪,包括汪士慎、李单、金农、黄慎、高翔、郑燮、李方膺、罗聘八名画家。其画擅水墨写意花鸟,也画山水和人物肖像

  1. 在清代中期,扬州八怪成为了绘画商品化浪潮中的主要代表画派。

    In the mid-Qing Dynasty , " Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou " has become the main representative of the commercial painting .

  2. 郑板桥是扬州八怪中最负盛名的一个,是中国文化史上的文艺全才。

    Zheng Banqiao is the most well-known one from the Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou , and also a versatile talent in the history of Chinese culture .

  3. 扬州八怪发展动因之研究

    The Motive Forces of the Development of Yangzhou Eight Eccentric Artists

  4. 扬州八怪对台湾早期水墨画的影响

    Influence of Yangzhou 's Eight Eccentric Painters on Taiwan 's early wash painting

  5. 扬州八怪之怪的分析。

    The analyzing of the queerness of " Yang Zhou Eight Eccentric Painters " .

  6. 扬州八怪,是18世纪中国绘画史上的一支劲旅。

    Yangzhou Eight eccentric artists develop an important group in Chinese painting history in18th centuries .

  7. 扬州八怪中,黄慎的人物画成就较为突出。

    Among the eight maverick geniuses in Yangzhou , the figure paintings of Huang Shen were outstanding .

  8. 而这种书风正好迎合了扬州八怪这股艺术思潮的艺术审美。

    This book wind just to meet the " Eight Wonders of Yangzhou " the art aesthetic .

  9. 远隔重洋的世纪神交&荷兰画派与扬州八怪

    Echoed Each Other over Oceans and One Century Apart & The Dutch School and Yang Zhou Eight Eccentrics

  10. 过去30年间,经学者们的潜心努力,对扬州八怪的研究已奠定了相当健全的基础。

    The past 30 years has witnessed detailed studies on the Eight Eccentric Painters by Chinese scholars at home .

  11. 扬州八怪其人其画&中国画的继承和发展

    Discussion on the inheritance and development of Chinese paintings by appreciating the eight odd painters in Yangzhou and their works

  12. 金农是“扬州八怪”中最具有全面修养的画家,且最富文人画的原型精神。

    As one of the " Eight Yangzhou Eccentrics ", Jing Nong was an all-round stylist and painter full of archetypal meanings .

  13. 继“四僧画家”之后,又崛起一个革新画派&“扬州八怪”。

    After the four monk painters , the Qing Dynasty saw the rise of another revolutionary painting school in the eight eccentric painters of yangzhou .

  14. 简要地介绍了“扬州八怪”之一,清朝画家郑燮及其在绘画实践中总结出来的绘画理论。

    Introduce briefly the painting theories that Qing Dynasty artist , the one of " Yang Zhou Eight Monster Sacred " Zheng Xie summarized through practical painting .

  15. 第三部分,从扬州八怪独特的人格心理角度出发,结合他们的身世经历,分析他们狂狷人格形成的社会原因、心理原因;

    In chapter 3 , from their special personality mentality , it dues with the social and mental causes resulting in their eccentric personality according their life experiences .

  16. 扬州八怪的代表郑板桥对古代文艺理论的发展有很大贡献。

    Zheng Banqiao , representative of the eight distinguished artists with special characteristics in Yangzhou , made a great contribution to the development of the ancient artistic theory .

  17. 扬州八怪是中国美术史上最具创新精神的一批艺术家,是中国本土艺术中创新精神的一个集中体现。

    " Yang Zhou Eight Eccentric Painters " are the artists that have the richest innovational spirits in the Chinese art history , and they expressed the innovational spirits in native art in a focalized way .

  18. 华喦是清代康乾盛世享有很高声誉的扬州八怪之一,他工画,善书,能诗,时称三绝。

    Hua Yan is " in the Qing Dynasty Kangxi and Qianlong prosperity " enjoyed a high reputation of the " Eight Wonders of Yangzhou " one of , he is painting , good book , can the poem , called " sanjue " .

  19. 黄慎是扬州八怪代表画家之一,他通过自己不懈的努力,成为一名具有文人修养的职业画家。

    Huang Shen is one representative of " the Eight Eccentric Painters of Yangzhou " . The landscape painting is the main achievement of Huang Shen . With his unremitting efforts , Huang Shen has become a great artist not a professional painter any more .

  20. 文化互动:扬州二马与扬州八怪&考察清代文艺发展的一个视角

    Cultural Interaction : Two MAS and Eight Weird Persons in Yangzhou & Research into the development of literature and art in the Qing Dynasty

  21. 清代前期,商业文化对文艺美术发展影响深刻,“扬州二马”与“扬州八怪”之间的文化互动的史实、缘由及其影响即为这方面的典型个案。

    The historical facts , reasons and influence of cultural communication between " Two Mas in Yangzhou " and " Eight Weird Persons in Yangzhou " are the cases in point .

  22. 本文通过阐述扬州画派所处的时代背景、艺术特点、绘画表现方式,揭示了扬州八怪的艺术风格,及其在中国绘画发展史上的重要影响和深远意义。

    The article reveals the artistic style of eight monstr é sacre in Yangzhou and the important influence on Chinese picture history they made by stating the background Yangzhou picture group was in , their artistic character and expression mode of drawing .

  23. 清初的扬州画坛也正是经过这样一个层次分明、循序渐进而又共存共荣的阶段之后,才能孕育出以个性张扬、不拘一格为特色的扬州八怪。

    It was with such a stage of diversification , progressive development and co-prosperity that eventually gave birth to the individualistic Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou .