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  1. 多目标通道火力单元应先打远后打近,但对逼近有效发射区近界的空中目标应先打近后打远。

    A multi-target passage air defence missile fire unit should hit targets from far to near distance , but for air targets approaching near boundary of effective launching zone should hit targets from near to far distance .

  2. 弗兰克打得远比亚历克斯好。

    Frank plays a lot better than Alex .

  3. 达西先生的心里被两种情感弄得七上八下:一方面爱慕她那步行之后的鲜艳的脸色,另方面又怀疑她是否值得为了这么点儿事情独个儿打那么远赶来。

    The former was divided between admiration of the brilliancy which exercise had given to her complexion , and doubt as to the occasion 's justifying her coming so far alone .

  4. 我见过的击球中,数他打得最远。

    He hits the longest ball I have ever seen .

  5. 我那球打得太远。

    I hit a wide shot , and .

  6. 打8-15米远的蝶泳腿,具体打多远由你的感觉决定。

    Take your kicks ; get to8 to15 meters wherever you feel comfortable with .

  7. 但是能打450码远确实令人印象深刻。

    But a450-yard drlve LS lmpresslve .

  8. 投球的时候,投球手的目标是打击三柱们,而击球手则要尽力防守并且把球打得越远越好来得到“跑动”分数。

    When bowling , the aim is to hit the wicket , while the batsman tries to defend it and hit the ball far away to win'runs ' .

  9. 最近,英国宇航员提姆·匹克正在国际空间站上服役,一次意外事件让他意识到:从外太空打电话回家远比他想象的要复杂。

    Recently , British astronaut Tim Peake , currently serving aboard the International Space Station ( ISS ) , learned that phoning home from outer space is a bit trickier than he imagined .

  10. 他打不中那样远的目标的。

    He won 't hit the target at that distance .

  11. 这场艰苦的女性能力认可战虽已打赢,却远未终结。延续这场战斗的是男性而非女性,因为许多男子对女子的态度基本上仍然是敌视性的。

    The hard-fought battle for recognition has been won , but it is by no means over , it is men , not women , who still carry on the sex war because the attitude of many men remains basically hostile .

  12. 可你是打不过我的,马,硬碰硬地打,我的拳头可比你打得远。

    But you can 't lick me , Mart , in a stand-up fight . I 've got the reach on you .