
  • 网络Fishing tool
  1. 活动式开窗式打捞工具整体结构要能承受较大拉力(≤400kN),卡爪通过油管接箍后能在弹簧力作用下自动复位。

    The one-piece construction of new fishing tools can endure rather pull ( less than 400kN ) , slip claw with tube connection can auto restore under the spring strength .

  2. 偏心配水器堵塞器特殊打捞工具的研制与应用

    Development and application of fishing tools of plug for eccentricity hole

  3. CDL测井仪打捞工具现场组装快捷,操作方便。

    This CDL tool is very easy to assemble and operate .

  4. CDL测井仪打捞工具的研制与应用

    Development and application of CDL fishing tool for logging tools

  5. CSJ型超级震击器是一种震击力比同规格的其它震击器大得多的打捞工具。

    CSJ type super fishing jar is a fishing tool which the jarring force is larger than other jar with same specification .

  6. CDL测井仪打捞工具结构简单,主要由锥度套、压盖短节和卡箍组成,工具下螺纹与铣筒连接,上与打捞钻具连接。

    The CDL tool is simple in structure , consisting of tapered housing , gland sub , and clamp collar . The lower threads of the tool connect with the milling tool , while the upper threads connect with fishing tool .

  7. 他一定知道如何使用这个打捞工具。

    He must know how to use this fishing tool .

  8. 一起复杂的孔内事故处理与打捞工具

    Disposal of a complex accident in hole and fishing tool

  9. 新研制的腐蚀油管打捞工具和改进后的捞砂工具具有针对性。

    The new corrupted tube fishing tools and bailer tools are pertinent .

  10. 现在等措施,请修理一下打捞工具!

    Now wait on orders , please repair fishing tools !

  11. 这位工程师有设计打捞工具的丰富经验。

    This engineer has a lot of experience in designing fishing tools .

  12. 开展对堵漏剂和腐蚀油管打捞工具的研究。

    Carried out the plugging agent and corroded tubing salvage tools research .

  13. 正如你所见到的,这些打捞工具是大不相同的。

    As you can see , these fishing tools are very different .

  14. 套管内弯曲变形油杆打捞工具的应用

    Application of fishing tool for deformed sucker rod in casing

  15. 井下液压增力打捞工具的应用及改进

    Application and Improvement of a Hydraulic Downhole Pulling Tool

  16. 为什么有许多种打捞工具?

    Why are there many types of fishing tools ?

  17. 最近我们一直在等打捞工具。

    Recently we have been waiting on fishing tools .

  18. 万一打捞工具折断,我们就干不成了。

    Should the fishing tool be broken , we could not go on working .

  19. 打捞工具有多种类型。

    There are many types of fishing tools .

  20. 他们还需要一些打捞工具。

    They need some more fishing tools .

  21. 那个工厂生产打捞工具。

    That factory makes fishing tools .

  22. 大口径钻孔事故打捞工具

    Fishing Tools for Large Hole Drilling

  23. 几个月以后我们就要生产这种打捞工具了。

    In a few months our machine shop will be producing fishing tools of this kind .

  24. 水力活塞泵打捞工具的改进

    Improved Fishing Tools for Hydraulic Pumps

  25. 要是你去过管子站或机厂,你可能见到过这样的打捞工具。

    If you had been to the pipe yard or machine shop , you might have seen such fishing tools .

  26. 研究和改进了腐蚀油管打捞工具套铣母锥和卡瓦捞筒,提高了对腐蚀油管的打捞成功率。

    Researched and improved corroded tubing fishing tools : Milling die and Slip overshot , improved corroded tubing salvage success rate .

  27. 主要从事石油钻井、固井、采油设备和打捞工具的生产和销售。

    Our company has been engaged in producing and selling oil drilling , well cementation , oil extraction equipment and fishing tools .

  28. 它具有液压坐封、双向卡瓦锚定、配套丢手打捞工具打捞等基本特点,是油田卡堵水、分层采油的理想配套工具。

    It has characteristics of hydraulic setting , bi-directional slip anchoring , and fishing property of matching releasing tool , so it 's an ideal tool for water shutoff and separate zone production .

  29. 由于没有专用的打捞工具,作业设备的能力有限,其处理事故的周期往往较长,效果不理想。

    Because we have no special fish tool ; operation equipments are limited , so it takes a longer time when we do the fishing by box tap and overshot with slot , and the effect is also not good .

  30. 现场实验表明加入堵漏材料的压井液适合吉林油田气井修井作业;各种腐蚀油管打捞工具在现场试验取得了成功,完善吉林油田气井修井技术。

    The field experiments show : added plugging materials in the well killing fluid suit Jilin Oilfield gas wells workover operations ; a variety of corroded tubing fishing tools in the field test successful and improve the technology of Jilin Oilfield gas wells workover .