
dǎ shou
  • Thug;hatchet man;goon;bully;hired thug;muscleman;ruffian;heavy;hired roughneck;one who is employed for committing violence
打手 [dǎ shǒu]
  • (1) [goon;hired roughneck;bully;ruffian]∶受雇去恐吓或消灭敌对者的人

  • (2) [muscleman;one who is employed for committing violence]∶被人(如歹徒)雇用以暴力手段强迫他人服从的人

  • (3) [hatchet man]∶专为雇主撰写攻击他人文章的作者

打手[dǎ shou]
  1. 消息传到李某那里,他带领七八个“打手”,把两人带到一间小屋子里痛打。

    When the news reached Lee , where he led seventy-eight " hatchet man ", the two men brought a little house beat .

  2. 所谓“网黑”就是指网络上制造低级趣味和不健康的东西,“网络打手”更是其中的典型。

    Alleged " the net is black " point to to vulgar taste and insalubrious thing are made on the network namely ," Network hatchet man " it is among them typical more .

  3. 他纠合了一批打手。

    He gathered together a bunch of thugs .

  4. 打手、钢丝布和梳针等金属机件都会损伤纤维表面。

    There exists also much fibers surface damage brought about by beaters , card clothing , faller pins , etc.

  5. 她克服了耳聋的毛病,最后当了打击乐队敲打手

    She overcame her deafness and eventually became a successful percussionist .

  6. 但伊根并未放弃写作,而且有了进步。2011年她的一篇描绘在数字时代老去的小说《打手队的来访》(AVisitFromtheGoonSquad)赢得了普利策奖(PulitzerPrice,美国新闻界最高荣誉)。

    But Egan kept writing , and her writing got better - in 2011 , she won a Pulitzer Prize for her novel about growing old in the digital age , A Visit From the Goon Squad .

  7. 掌控公司称,他们要打造的并不是“用来召集打手的优步(Uber)”,而是一款跟Magic很像的礼宾服务应用软件,用户可以通过它跟提供快递、保洁等服务的人员接洽。

    Rather than create an " Uber for Assault , " Joke said it had intended to create a concierge service , much like the app Magic , which allows users to negotiate for services like deliveries and housecleaning .

  8. 我当丑寅打手,你不恼?

    You 're not angry that I 'm ushitora 's bodyguard ?

  9. 他从自己私人保镖中选带了两名杀气腾腾的打手。

    He brought along two strong-arm men from his private guard .

  10. 政府打手曾对他小有注意。

    State goons kept a bit of an eye on him .

  11. 如果那些钱付给了那些打手又会如何?

    What will happen if that money reaches those thugs ?

  12. 雇来作为保镖或者打手的强壮的人。

    A strong man hired as a bodyguard or thug .

  13. 那帮派头目无论到哪儿都带著他的一群打手。

    The gang boss bring his gorilla with him everywhere he go .

  14. 朴顺玉,她一定是被那些打手杀害了。

    Park soon-ok , she must 've been murdered by those thugs .

  15. 他可能是被那个打手打死的。

    He probabiy got shot when the hitter was shooting .

  16. 被称为“不走运的天才打手”。

    Talent goon who is not in luck by named .

  17. 他直向他们打手式,竟成了哑吧。

    And he made signs to them and remained dumb .

  18. 她雇了个打手来放倒你。

    She 's hired a bouncer to put you off the place .

  19. 那家伙以前是黑帮的打手。

    The guy was an ex-kneebreaker for the old mob .

  20. 否则打手不会饶了我们。

    Or else the goons won 't spare us .

  21. 他总是找一名打手为他干这样的卑鄙勾当。

    He always had a hatchet man do the dirty work for him .

  22. 熊队下一个击打手,托比怀特伍德。

    Next up for the bears , Toby whitewood .

  23. 你居然派来一个俄国打手?

    You had to hire some Russian hit man ?

  24. 更让人相信他就是格雷森家族的打手

    reinforcing his status as the Grayson Family goon .

  25. 鼻形打手在清花老机改造中的应用

    Application of Nose Beater in Opening and Cleaning Process

  26. 否则打手会把你们赶走。

    Or the goons won 't let you stay .

  27. 排球打手出界技术的施用条件及训练建议

    Applying Conditions and Training Suggestions for the Techniques of Block out in Volleyball

  28. 现在你能叫你的打手走了?

    Can you piease call off your thugs now ?

  29. 他们也会雇佣自己人出去做打手。

    They also hire themselves out as hit men .

  30. 那为什么你们这些打手要查我的档案?

    Then why 'd your goon confiscate my files ?