
dǎ ɡōnɡ
  • Working;do manual work
打工 [dǎ gōng]
  • [work to earn a living;do manual work for living] 〈方〉∶做工

  • 打工糊口

  • 他从小就给财主家打工

  1. 她的祖父一路在船上打工支付船费来到美国。

    Her grandfather had worked his passage to America .

  2. 年轻人希望打工赚钱,从而被诱惑到城市。

    Young people are lured to the city by the prospect of a job and money .

  3. 在我读大学期间,她打工挣钱来付租金。

    She worked to pay the rent while I went to college

  4. 政府撤销了她丈夫管理外来打工人群的许可证。

    The government revoked her husband 's license to operate migrant labor crews .

  5. 那些离开该省出国打工的人大部分都未经专门训练。

    Most of those who left the province to work abroad were unskilled .

  6. 农民们已经认识到,想要生存就必须外出打工。

    Farmers have learned that they have to migrate if they want to survive .

  7. 前不久,一个朋友建议我们今年夏天结伴去欧洲,边打工边度假。

    Recently a friend suggested that we team up for a working holiday in Europe in the summer .

  8. 他长年在外打工。

    Away from home , he hires himself out to work all year round .

  9. 我尽量兼顾越野赛和田径日程表、报社打工以及我的教堂少年班和戏剧班。

    I juggled cross - country and track schedules , newspaper staff , and my church 's youth group and drama team .

  10. 他不得不在业余时间去打工。

    He had to work in his spare time .

  11. 你的丈夫是否正对来家打工的留学女生暗送秋波?

    Is your husband lusting after the au pair ?

  12. 例如:多亏了一位匿名捐赠者,这个打工子弟学校才能购买一些黑板、一张乒乓球桌和一台电脑。

    Thanks to an anonymous donor6 , the school for children of migrant workers was able to purchase some blackboards , a table-tennis table and a computer .

  13. 在许多国家,青少年普遍会在高中时期打工。然而在有些国家,这几乎是前所未闻的。

    In many countries it is common for teenagers to take part-time jobs while they are still in high school , while in other societies this is virtually2 unheard of .

  14. 外省来粤打工人员是急性CO中毒的高发人群,占55.6%;室内冲凉燃汽热水器意外是本地区急性CO中毒的主要原因,占82.1%;

    The indoor water-heater accident is the mainly reason of acute CO poisoning in native area ( 82.1 % );

  15. 游戏介绍:制服MM们勤工俭学,在茶餐厅里打工赚钱,要服务好客人哦!

    MM : They illustrate uniform work-study , earn money in the cafe room to serve the guests !

  16. 因为我在Doc的小店打工

    Because I was working at Doc 's ,

  17. 还有多少像斯诺登这样的美国中央情报局(CIA)的前特工目前在给政府的合同商打工?

    And how many are , like Snowden , ex-CIA staffers now employed by a government contractor ?

  18. 我童年时,家里就养了好几只猫,大学时,我曾在佛蒙特州的本宁顿县慈善协会(BenningtonCountyHumaneSociety)打工。

    I grew up with several cats , and as a college student I worked at the Bennington County Humane Society , in Vermont .

  19. 浦馨予:打扰一下,Susan博士,我想问个关于大学打工的问题。

    Carolyn : Excuse me , Dr Susan , I want to ask the question about the jobs that students can take in college or university .

  20. 就在16岁生日前,philipyu中学没毕业就背井离乡,在一家砖窑打工,然后又到了一家煤矿。

    Just before his 16th birthday , Philip Yu left without graduating from middle school to work in a brick kiln , then in a coal mine .

  21. “Joetheplumber”于本周四称,他还没有营业执照,不过他也不需要,因为现在他给别人打工。

    Joe the Plumber said Thursday he doesn 't have a license and doesn 't need one , because he works for someone else .

  22. 在那家餐厅打工不光工资高而且其实她也很喜欢那份工作。当初辞职只是因为JoeAcme作为老板要求她。

    Not only was the money insanely great and she liked her job , she only quit her job at the restaurant because Joe Acme told her to .

  23. 我父亲是卡尔斯鲁厄(Karlsruhe)的一名建筑师,我14岁时就为他打工,为的就是挣点零花钱,他说。

    My father was an architect in Karlsruhe and I started working for him when I was 14 to make a little money , he says .

  24. 15岁时,还在上学的赛拉.胡尼扬(SairaHunjan)拉着妈妈一起,去假期打工的地方见她未来的老板。

    At 15 , Saira Hunjan took her mother along to meet the person with whom she would do work experience in the school holidays .

  25. 结论工作场所条件不舒适、每天工作时间超过8h、每周没有休息日是外出打工者肺结核病的危险因素;

    Conclusion Poor workplace conditions , long work hours ( > 8 hours / day ) and not having a rest day each week are all work-related risk factors of pulmonary TB among rural adults out-migrating for work .

  26. 他的两个哥哥、曾经在德里附近打工的维纳伊和阿布依(Abhay)离开工作三个月帮助家里,因而加剧了家里的财务紧张。

    His brothers , Vinay and Abhay , who had also been working around Delhi , left their jobs for three months to help out at home , straining household finances .

  27. 据KFOR新闻报道,在美国俄克拉荷马州艾德蒙市的艾德蒙高中,有位名叫丹•威廉姆斯的学生整个暑假都在打工赚钱,为了给女生准备惊喜。

    According to KFOR , Dan Williams , a student at Edmond High School in Edmond , Oklahoma , had to work all summer to raise enough money for the surprise gifts .

  28. 如果你有工作动力问题,还是继续打工吧。

    If that 's a problem , keep your day job .

  29. 但他们中许多人仅限于在工厂做一个打工仔。

    And many of them are confined to work in factories .

  30. 流动性指数越高,说明被调查者更换打工地点更频繁。

    The higher mobility index means the migrants migrated more frequently .