首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 我不是那种被丈夫说打就打的人。

    I 'm not a person whose husband beats her up .

  2. 托尼:你现在想打就来打一架!

    Tonny : you can find out if you want to .

  3. 好,要打就真一点但别太狠。

    Okay , make it look good , but not too good .

  4. 尽管玻璃一打就碎,仍然能承受很大压力。

    Class , which breaks at a blow , is capable of withstanding great pressure .

  5. 要打就趁虫子靠近时。

    Strike while the bug is close .

  6. 用一个号码不停地打就行了?

    Why not use one number continuously ?

  7. 谁先打就先站不住脚。

    Whoever calls first loses ground .

  8. 继续照今天的状态放松去打就可以了。

    A.Try to be relax and repeat what I have done today and that 's it .

  9. 大概有一打就24边缘线,形成了两箱共小尼克斯。

    There are probably about a dozen small nicks total on the24 edge lines that form the two cabinets .

  10. 招呼也不打就飞到中国去了。为表歉意,他从国外给你带回了礼物。

    Fly off to China at a moment 's notice . And he brought you a present from abroad to say sorry .

  11. 令我感到安慰的是,发动机一打就着,不过声音很大,刚发动时突突作响,空转时更是达到了最大音量。

    The engine started quickly , to my relief , but loudly , roaring to life and then idling at top volume .

  12. 不论旗竿差在哪一个位置,建议你都往果岭中间打就好,那个位置到果岭每个角落都适中。

    However , no matter what pin position , just hit to the center of the green because it reach every corner in same distance .

  13. 她未打招呼就来到我家门口了。

    She just turned up unannounced on my doorstep .

  14. 他没打招呼就用了车,他说他为此感到非常抱歉。

    He says he 's really sorry for taking the car without asking .

  15. 步兵团可能会使用打了就跑的战术来阻滞进攻部队。

    The infantry would use hit and run tactics to slow attacking forces .

  16. 叛乱分子似乎是在对军事目标实施打了就跑的游击式攻击。

    The rebels appear to be making hit-and-run guerrilla style attacks on military targets .

  17. “喂,我的姐妹们没事儿吧?”——“你打电话就为这个?”

    ' Hey , is there anything the matter with my sisters ? ' — ' Is that why you 're phoning ? '

  18. 我打早就想来看你的。

    I wanted to come and see you a long time ago .

  19. “你爸爸让那司机放着自己别管,去打911就行了,谢天谢地!如果他当时挪动了你爸爸,真不知道会发生什么呢……”

    “ Your father told the driver to leave him alone and just call 911 , thank God ! If he had moved Daddy , there 's no telling what might have happened ... ”

  20. 我有竞争性是因为我打心里就在和别人battle,斗舞对于我来说就是竞争的一部分,并且我希望自己是最好的!

    Im competitive because I am Hip Hop at heart , battling is part of it for me , and the desire to be one of the best .

  21. 很抱歉我没有事先打电话就来冒昧拜访了。

    I 'm sorry to drop in on you without calling .

  22. 我认为如果她想打电话就一定会打的。

    I figured that she 'd call if she wanted to .

  23. 没有普通人能不打麻药就接受这样的手术!

    Nobody can undergo a procedure like this without an anesthetic !

  24. 我们从来不会事先不打招呼就去拜访朋友的。

    We never visit a friend 's house without calling first .

  25. 不过,同北方佬打交道就太不应该了。

    But dealing with the yankees & that was too much .

  26. 你的丈夫接着回来了,事先没打招呼就带来3个客人吃饭。

    Your husband arrives , unexpectedly bringing three guests to dinner .

  27. 如果他们要打,就把他们彻底消灭。

    If they fight , we will wipe them out completely .

  28. 你敢打电话就等着后悔吧

    You make that call , you 'll be very sorry .

  29. 警察训斥司机不打信号就拐弯。

    The policeman reprimanded the driver for turning without a signal .

  30. 在这类事情上不打招呼就成了怠慢朋友。

    No communication on this matter constitutes snubbing your friend .