
  1. 从师德这一教师工作的精髓出发,论述了教师应具备的品格因素、才能因素、知识因素和情感因素等人格魅力,这对提高教育教学质量有重要的意义。

    The factors of the character , ability , knowledge and emotion that teacher must have were discussed for teaching ethics . This is of significance to improve education and teaching .

  2. 思想政治工作主体的品德、文化、才能等因素影响着其人格力量的发挥。

    Such factors as virtues , culture and capacity in the subject that ideological and political work deals with affect the exertion of the selfhood strength .

  3. 如何才能剔除宗教因素?,-是的。

    How do we get the religious actors off the stage ? - Right .

  4. 创造性才能与人格因素密切相关,良好的人格是创造力的重要条件,不健全人格严重影响着创造性才能。

    Creative ability and personality factors are closely relevant , sound personality is very important to creativity and unsound personality affects creative ability seriously .

  5. 典型的真实业务工作流程中的任务序列在本质上是动态的:该序列通常不是固定的,依赖于只有在执行期间才能决定的因素。

    The sequence of tasks in a typical real-world business workflow is dynamic in nature : the sequence is normally not fixed and depends on factors that can be decided only during execution .

  6. 这种影响是不可控的,电信企业只有主动地去适应营销环境,制定和不断调整营销策略,才能变不利因素为有利因素。

    These effects are not controllable , telecommunications companies only take the initiative to adapt to the marketing environment to develop and constantly adjust marketing strategy , in order to change the negative factors for the favorable factors .

  7. 只有认识到社会性因素是主观存在和客观存在的统一,抽象存在和具体存在的统一,才能消除社会性因素理解中的矛盾。

    Only understanding that the social factors are the unify of subjective existence and objective existence and the unify of abstract existence and concret existence , we could avoid the mistake of understanding the social ( factors . )

  8. 这样才能保证从情意因素和纯智力因素两方面有效地激发学生创新的意识、勇气和能力,实现大学教学的目标。

    Only in this way can students be inspired intellectually and affectively so that their awareness of the need to create new knowledge will be enhanced and their courage and ability to create be developed , thus achieving the aim of university teaching .

  9. 建议政府加强研究当今包括高考在内的各种选拔考试落榜者的心态,才能调动一切积极因素,最终构建和谐社会。

    It is suggested that the government should enhance its concern of the psychological status of all the people who fail in any kinds of exams including college-entrance examinations . Only in this way can all positive factors be aroused , so can the harmonious society be finally constructed .