
  • 网络Real estate credit;real estate loans;Credit of Real-Estate
  1. 随着全国的住宅价格、投资,房地产信贷等都增长迅速,关于住宅市场是否健康,是否存在房地产泡沫的争论也成为社会各界的热点话题。

    With the rapid growth of nation 's housing prices , housing investments , real estate loans and so on , the controversy of the health of the residential market and the existence of real estate bubble has become a hot topic in the community .

  2. 由于我国目前还处于转型期,信用体系不完善、商业银行内部治理制度不健全,房地产业对银行的高度依赖性势必会带来潜在的房地产信贷风险。

    Since our country is now undergoing a period of transformation , the credit system and the inner governance institutions of commercial banks are still to be perfected . Due to this fact , the dependence on banks will inevitably result in underlying risks of real estate loans .

  3. 模型回归结果说明房地产信贷对房价波动的影响程度显著,也证明了Carey模型的实用性。

    The regression result of the model indicates that the real estate credit has great influence on the fluctuation of the price and it also proves the usefulness of the Carey model .

  4. 论房地产信贷风险及防范

    A discussion on the risks of property credit and the defence

  5. 并阐述了房地产信贷市场的脆弱性。

    And then the writer expounds the market vulnerability of credit .

  6. 试论房地产信贷风险在商业银行的凝聚

    The Concentration of the Risks of Banking Credit in Real Estate

  7. 然后介绍了房地产信贷的分类。

    Then there is the classification of the real estate credit .

  8. 中国房地产信贷风险的度量与控制研究

    Measurement and Control Studies of Real Estates Credit Risks in China

  9. 因此,我们有必要对房地产信贷问题进行深入研究。

    Therefore , realestate credit issues need to be studied in depth .

  10. 我国商业银行房地产信贷风险管理研究

    The Study of Real Estate Credit Risk of Commercial Bank in China

  11. 第一部分为房地产信贷原理阐释。

    The first part is " The real estate credit principle explanation " .

  12. 第六章:商业银行房地产信贷风险的防范对策与建议。

    Counter-measures and suggestions for controlling real estate credit risk of commercial banks .

  13. 第二部分从房地产信贷管理的文献回顾写起,对国内的研究现状和国外的研究现状进行一一梳理。

    The second part begins with the status studied in home and abroad .

  14. 第三章:商业银行房地产信贷业务体系。

    Real estate credit system of commercial banks .

  15. 长期以来,商业银行视房地产信贷业务为低风险、高收益的信贷优质资产而众相追捧。

    Commercial banks consider real estate credit as low-risk , high-profit Good Quality Credit .

  16. 关于对房地产信贷潜在风险的探讨

    Probe into the Potential Real Estate Credit Risk

  17. 房地产信贷测评系统研究

    Study of the Real Estate Credit Evaluation System

  18. 我国的房地产信贷业务自二十世纪九十年代兴起并获得长足发展。

    Since 1990s , the industry of real estate credit has gained long-term development .

  19. 房地产信贷政策与房地产价格泡沫

    The Credit Policy and Bubble of Real Estate

  20. 对房地产信贷资产证券化的研究

    Study on Credit Asset of Real Estate

  21. 房地产信贷的博弈分析与住房公积金计算机管理系统

    Game Analysis of Credit in House Property and Computer Management System of Housing Accumulation Fund

  22. 香港银行业防范房地产信贷风险的经验及启示

    Experience of HK Banking Industry in Preventing against Real Estate Credit Risk and its Enlightenments

  23. 需要指出的是,房地产信贷风险监管的原则定位在于安全与公平。

    It points out is that the principle localization lies in the security and fair .

  24. 2001年美国经济衰退期间,最重要的传导渠道是房地产信贷。

    During the 2001 recession in the US , the most important was housing credit .

  25. 第五章:商业银行房地产信贷风险的信息不对称分析。

    An analysis of the information asymmetry of the real estate risk of commercial banks .

  26. 警惕房地产信贷风险

    Watch Out Real Estate Loan Risk

  27. 房地产信贷是一个专业性较强的金融服务项目,具有专业性与区域性的特点。

    Real estate credit is a relatively professional financial service project with professional and regional characteristics .

  28. 并在此基础之上重点研究了房地产信贷资产证券化的基本运作模式、运作程序以及运作的法律环境。

    Then the attention to the operating models , operating procedures and legislation environment is focused .

  29. 作为宏观经济政策的加息会对我国的房地产信贷市场有何影响?

    What effect does adding interest as macroeconomy policy have on our real estate credit market ?

  30. 投资银行业也在房地产信贷繁荣中分了一杯羹。

    The investment banking industry was also feeding at the trough of the real estate lending boom .