
  • My Home;My House;My family
  1. "那是我的家。"

    That was my home .

  2. 在我的家中,我的妻子有一个终日懒散在家的人。

    In my home , my wife is a couch potato .

  3. 我的家在这条街的左侧。

    My house is on the left side of the street .

  4. 我的家离Spaceport只要多少里路。

    My house is only a few miles from Spaceport .

  5. 你发疯了?这是我的家。

    Are you totally gone ? This is my private home .

  6. “我的家在一个仙境里面,”瓦妮特一丝不苟地说。

    " My house is in fairyland ," Vanity said primly .

  7. 我的家,就是我在默兹河上的船。

    Home , that was my houseboat on the river meuse .

  8. 塔拉是我的家,我还想回去呢。

    Tara MAH home an'ah is aimin'ter go back dar .

  9. 说起我的家,快乐的事情时有发生。

    Speaking of my home , the happy often happens .

  10. 我的家是充满笑声和欢欣之家。

    My home is the home of laughter and exultation .

  11. 这里以前是我的家,对不对?

    This is my old house , isn 't it ?

  12. 你最近一定要来我的家一下。

    You must come round to my house sometime soon .

  13. 你该知道这也是我的家。

    You do know this is my family , too .

  14. 我的家里人要来,我得腾出点地方来。

    I 'm trying to make room for my family to visit .

  15. 怎么你怎么敢在我的家里?

    How & how dare you , under my roof ?

  16. 但是现在,她是我的家了。

    But now , I call it my home .

  17. 在我的家梅村,我种了三棵雪松。

    In my home in Plum Village , I planted three cedar trees .

  18. 我的家很大,我有两个兄弟和一个妹妹(姐姐)。

    My family is big . I have two brothers and a sister .

  19. 我的家是在中国南部。

    My home is in the South of China .

  20. 这个小地方就是我的家?

    How can this small space be my home ?

  21. 我的家是一间在布鲁克林的一房一厅公寓。

    My place is a one-bedroom apartment in Brooklyn .

  22. 它同样适用于我的家。

    It worked for my home as well .

  23. 我的家在一座高的楼房里。

    My home is in a high building .

  24. 澳大利亚,墨尔本南郊,我的家。

    The scene is my home in the southern suburbs of Melbourne , Australia .

  25. 我的家比你的远多了。

    My home is much father than yours .

  26. 我的家就像是一个普通的电视组合套装。

    My family is the basic objects that make up a regular television set .

  27. 那也是我的家,我是你老婆!

    I coming too . I your wife !

  28. 我的家离这里不远。

    My home is not far from here .

  29. 听着,这是我的家,我还没进监狱。

    Look , it 's my house . I 'm not in prison yet .

  30. 我们经常在我的家里见面。

    We often get together in my home .