
  1. 他的第一笔重大收购的对象是《我的世界》(Minecraft),这笔令人困惑的交易发出了相互矛盾的信号。

    By making the puzzling purchase of Minecraft his first significant acquisition , he has sent conflicting signals .

  2. 但是,《我的世界》的创造者马库斯·佩尔松(MarkusPersson)不会留在公司,亲眼看着它发生变化。

    One person who will not stick around to see what changes lie in store for the game , however , is Minecraft 's creator , Markus Persson .

  3. 《我的世界》玩家已经造出了游轮、火箭船甚至是初级计算机,还用像素完美还原出了《指环王》中的米那斯提力斯城堡(MinasTirith)。

    Minecraft players have made cruise liners , rocket ships and even basic computers , as well as pixel-perfect recreations of Minas Tirith in Lord of the Rings .

  4. 现在,这家未上市的玩具制造商正与Mojang合作,制作《我的世界》的第二批场景,预计将在几个月后问世。

    Instead , the privately owned toymaker is now collaborating with the Swedish start-up on a second batch of Minecraft sets , due in a few months .

  5. 自从你离开后,我的世界就开始天旋地转。

    The world has stopped spinning since the day you left .

  6. 你的到来使我的世界变得更快乐、更温暖、更明亮。

    Your come makes my world happier , warmer and brighter .

  7. 我的世界是寂静无声的,容纳不下别人。

    My world is silent , to accommodate more than others .

  8. 然而,《我的世界》看上去和《光晕》及其好莱坞级别的图像效果相似度极小。

    Yet Minecraft looks little like Halo and its Hollywood-level graphics .

  9. 要名片,就要中文名,于是米高从此出现在我的世界里。

    Since I needed business cards , I needed a Chinese name .

  10. 因为有你,我的世界才能完整。

    If only U were here , my world would be complete .

  11. 我的世界变化很快,你的世界变化更快。

    Mine moved quickly , yours moves even more quickly .

  12. 我的世界文学课通过了。

    I got a pass in my world lit course .

  13. 我的世界里剩下我自己。

    And now I was left alone in the world .

  14. 只有你的陪伴才能使我的世界再次光彩熠熠。

    My world would be bright again if only you were here .

  15. 你是笑脸就像阳光照亮我的世界!

    Your smiling face is like the sunlight that brightens my world !

  16. 这是我的世界观。

    That 's kind of my view of the world .

  17. 恍若我的世界被闪电一击。

    It 's as if my world 's been struck by lightning .

  18. 但是没有你我的世界将变得不完整。

    But without you what I 'm going to be is incomplete .

  19. 朋友,你彻底改变了我的世界。

    My friend , you have changed my world forever .

  20. 你给我的世界,却是你跟本就不知道的施舍!

    Say nothing , I know it couldn 't come back again .

  21. 你是重要的,我的世界从此曲折变轻盈。

    You are important , I ever change the twists and turns .

  22. 你的确有责任这是我的世界观。

    And you are responsible & that 's my worldview .

  23. 在那一瞬间我的世界改变了,对自己的怀疑消失了。

    And at that moment my world changed and my self-doubt disappeared .

  24. 在我的世界里,你就是阳光,照亮我的灵魂。

    You are sunshine which light my soul and filled my world .

  25. 我的世界支离破碎,而他却志得意满。

    My world is shattered , and he looks content .

  26. “我的世界不适合你。”他冷酷地说道。

    " My world is not for you ," he said grimly .

  27. 因为有你们、所以我的世界更加精彩!

    All human beings in our team , I really love it !

  28. 是她的世界,与我的世界截然不同。

    It is her world all apart from mine .

  29. 在我的世界里,有着许多谦逊和缺乏自信。

    There 's a great deal of modesty and diffidence in my world .

  30. 寂寞侵向心底,我的世界一片荒芜。

    Lonely heart , to invade my world deserted .