
Our literature and art ought to cater to popular taste .
Our literature and art belong to the people .
Our literary and art workers must do a good job in this respect .
Our literary and art workers must accomplish this task and shift their stand .
Our literature and art should be for the four kinds of people we have enumerated .
They have remoulded themselves in struggle or are doing so , and our literature and art should depict this process .
This is precisely why there can be complete unity between the political character of our literary and artistic works and their truthfulness .
Only when we grasp all this clearly can we have a literature and art that is rich in content and correct in orientation .
Our writers and artists should try harder to portray and help foster the new socialist man and achieve greater successes in doing so .
Through the ordeal of struggle , by and large our writers and artists have proved good , and the Party and people rejoice in this .
It means that the thoughts and feelings of our writers and artists should be fused with those of the masses of workers , peasants and soldiers .
Our writers and artists have their literary and art work to do , but their primary task is to understand people and know them well . In this regard , how have matters stood with our writers and artists ?
It is of course necessary that we assess ancient writers and their works with Literary theory today in writing the History of Chinese Literature , because of academic keeping pace with the Times .
Earthworm 's Eye is an essay column in the World Morning Paper run by Xia Yan in Shanghai in 1946 . The essays published in the column are mostly short and pithy , and some of them are like news headlines but quite informative .
What we now call the Renaissance was , in French literary circles , also known as " La restitution des lettres " : the restoration or reproduction of classical learning .
Why don 't you contribute literary articles to our newspaper ?
Bloom offers six revisionary ratios that help us ephebes survive the influence river , which are our urgent need for producing Chinese Renaissance .