
  • 网络we like;we love
  1. 我们喜欢他的诚实、不浮夸。

    We like him for his honesty , his lack of pretension .

  2. 我们喜欢他的细心和热情。

    We like his attention to detail and his enthusiasm .

  3. 我们喜欢静静举行婚礼,不大事声张。

    We 'd like a quiet wedding without any fuss .

  4. 我们喜欢上了这座房子,不想搬家。

    We were fond of the house and didn 't want to leave .

  5. 我们喜欢在淡季旅游。

    We prefer to travel off-season .

  6. 我们喜欢在滑道外滑雪。

    We enjoy skiing off-piste .

  7. 我们喜欢这辆自行车的软把手,有了它,我们的双手就不用再接触冰冷的金属了。

    We liked the bike 's spongy handgrip for keeping our hands away from cold metal

  8. 我们喜欢赏月。

    We like to admire the moon .

  9. 我们喜欢听。

    We would admire to hear .

  10. 我们喜欢滑冰。

    We love to go skating .

  11. 我们喜欢那个软件的独特性。

    We like the unique nature of that software .

  12. 她解释说:“我们喜欢墨西哥酸辣酱,所以我用手机在当地的墨西哥外卖餐馆点了一些。”

    We love Mexican churros , so I buy them on my phone from my local Mexican takeaway restaurant , she explains .

  13. 我们喜欢制作东西,所以练习得非常努力。

    We love making things , so we practice hard each time .

  14. 我们喜欢这样的"贫困生",因为他们坚强乐观。

    We like such " poor students " because they are strong and optimistic .

  15. 唐纳利先生告诉记者:"是的,我们喜欢它,它与众不同。"。

    " Yeah , we liked it , something different . " Mr. Donnelly told reporters .

  16. 不仅我们喜欢陈老师,陈老师也喜欢我们班,因为她觉得我们都很优秀。

    Not only do all of us like Miss Chan , but Miss Chan also likes my class because she thinks all of us are excellent .

  17. 我们喜欢我们的紫色袜子。

    We like our purple socks .

  18. 我们喜欢在所有的东西前面都加一个z。

    We like putting z in front of everything .

  19. 我们喜欢将业务模型保持在一个很高的‘业务’级别,并在IntegrationDeveloper中实现所有细节。

    We like to keep the business model at a very high'business'level and implement all the details in Integration Developer .

  20. 在命令区中可以放上我们喜欢使用的任何shell脚本,这样就可以使用双击来查看e-mail。

    Place the location of any shell script you like in the command area , and use a double tap to check your e-mail .

  21. 我们喜欢收到客户的来信,不仅是关于Domino性能和可伸缩性方面的成功,还包括正常运行时间方面的成功。

    We love to hear from customers , not only about successes with Domino performance and scalability , but also with uptime .

  22. 是工作组制定了那些我们喜欢称作W3C推荐规则的实际规范。

    It is the Working Groups that produce the actual specifications that we fondly refer to as W3C Recommendations .

  23. 马德里从事商业地产行业的费利佩•马丁内兹(FelipeMartinez)表示:西班牙男人崇尚传统的英国式剪裁,但我们喜欢加上一些自己的风格。

    Felipe Martinez , who works in commercial property in Madrid , says : Spanish men admire classic English tailoring but we like to add our own details .

  24. 福林说,我们喜欢Rituxan,我们认为试验将会成功。

    " We like Rituxan , and we think those trials are going to be successful ," Flynn said .

  25. 例如,如果我们喜欢使用Git来管理自己个人对某个开放源码项目贡献的文件,就可以从项目快照中生成一个Git仓库。

    For instance , if you would like to use Git to manage your own personal contributions to an open source project , you can begin by making a Git repository from a project snapshot .

  26. 无论我们喜欢与否,默克尔是当今欧洲最重要的人物。波恩大学(BonnUniversity)政治学教授、默克尔传记的作者格尔德朗古特(GerdLangguth)说道。

    Whether we like it or not , Ms Merkel is the most important person in Europe today , says Gerd Langguth , politics professor at Bonn university , and a biographer of the chancellor .

  27. 我们喜欢轻音乐是因为这种曲子很优美很柔和。

    We like light music because it is tender and beautiful .

  28. 我们喜欢的音乐类型往往是与自己相关的。

    The type of music we like expresses something about ourselves .

  29. 我们喜欢逛传统的老弄堂胡同。

    We love wandering through the old traditional lanes the hutongs .

  30. 我们喜欢这棵大树,它是我们的朋友。

    We like the big tree and it is our friend .