
  1. 中央电视台少儿频道《成长在线》栏目特邀专家;《父母世界》杂志特邀专家。

    Meanwhile , she 's also the expert of a program in CCTV Children 's Channel and Parents magazine .

  2. NBC环球(NBCUniversal)正设法在迅速成长的在线视频分销市场中,挑战雅虎(Yahoo)和谷歌(Google)的霸主地位。

    NBC Universal is trying to challenge Yahoo and Google for supremacy in the burgeoning market to distribute online video .

  3. 在美国,社交媒体的成长促进了在线广告的发展,例如Facebook上的目标广告。

    In the US , the growth of social media has contributed to the development of online advertising , such as targeted ads on Facebook .

  4. 资本回报率方法在各个行业有所不同(比如,成熟产品制造商和成长阶段的在线软件公司需要关注不同的指标),而资本的成本也不尽相同。

    The ROIC methodology varies by industry ( a mature product manufacturer needs to monitor different metrics than a growth-stage online software company , for example ) , as does the cost of capital .

  5. Net-A-Porter于2005年开始赢利,并逐渐成长为首屈一指的在线高端时尚公司。

    Net-A-Porter began to turn a profit in 2005 and has grown to become one of the premier destinations for high fashion online .