
  1. 论述了规划区拟建水利工程项目库区建设方案及水利调度方案,分别对各方案进行了总投资估算与总成本费用分析。

    Enumerates construction schemes alongside water dispatch schemes of hydraulic works at the planning area , as well as conducts estimation of the gross investment and analysis of total cost as regards the different schemes . 4 .

  2. 通过项目成本费用分析以及收入分析,以净现值、动态投资回收期和内部收益率为指标对项目进行经济效益评价,并通过盈亏平衡分析和敏感性分析对项目进行不确定性分析。

    Through the project cost analysis and income analysis , takes net present value ( NPV ), dynamic investment payoff period and internal rate of return as the index to economic benefit evaluation , and study the uncertain analysis by the balance analysis of profit and loss and sensitivity analysis .

  3. 内部价值链导向下的成本与费用分析均值回复收益的消费效用无差别定价

    Under internal value chain guidance cost and expense analysis ; Consumption-utility based pricing of payments following mean reversion

  4. 基层压实度与碾压成本费用的关系分析

    Analysis between the Pavement Base Compactness and Cost

  5. 上市公司虚减成本费用的方法分析

    An Analyses of the Methods of the Intentionally Decreasing Cost Expense of the Listed Companies ICE-MINUS

  6. 这种成本费用和效益分析方法是合理优化旅客列车开行方案的前提。

    The calculus method of cost and interest is the precondition of passenger train plan rational optimization .

  7. 通过对集装箱综合运输成本费用的调研分析,论证南沙港区对珠三角西部地区的近远洋集装箱箱源具有强大的吸引力。

    Based on the investigation and analyses to the comprehensive transportation cost , it is demonstrated that Nansha Port Area is of strong attraction to the offshore and ocean container sources in the western area of the Pearl River Delta .

  8. 基于公司治理的成本费用内部控制环境分析

    Cost and Expense Analysis of the Internal Control Environment Based on Corporate Governance

  9. 成本费用预提及使用分析应用系统

    Cost Withholding and Distribution Analysis Application System

  10. 通过对企业成本费用控制系统的分析,了解成本费用控制的重点环节,从而达到预期的控制目标。

    The key links of control system of enterprise production cost were raised by analyzing the system , and the desired results were achieved .

  11. 结合工程实践,研究了成本预测、成本控制、成本核算、成本费用分析的有效管理方法。

    It also researches effective management methods of cost prediction sand analysis , cost control , cost accounting and cost expenses analysis .

  12. 而在成本控制方面,采用了挣值分析的方法,对本项目的成本费用进行了计算分析,得出结论。

    Control of the cost use Earned Value analysis , the cost of the project costs were calculated analysis and reach a conclusion .