
  • 网络cost management model
  1. 集群背景下我国造船企业战略成本管理模式

    Strategic cost management model of Chinese shipyards in the context of clustering

  2. 新商业环境下成本管理模式的思考

    Study on Cost Management Model of New Business Environment

  3. 介绍了CIMS概念从计算机集成制造系统向现代集成制造系统的发展,以及对成本管理模式的影响。

    And then it introduces CIMS conception development from computer integrated manufacturing system to contemporary integrated manufacturing system .

  4. 本文给出了ERP系统中新型成本管理模式的信息系统架构,并对作业成本核算子系统加以系统分析、设计。

    This paper offers a framework of the new cost management information system in ERPs , and discusses the system analyse and design of ABC subsystem .

  5. 然后通过对几种主要战略成本管理模式的分析比较,得出了Shank模式为群内企业提供了一个可供借鉴思路的结论。

    Then through comparing several kinds of prevalent strategic cost management mode , we arrive at a conclusion that the Shank mode provides a good thinking for enterprises within the cluster for reference .

  6. 本文主要以设计院转制而成的D公司为研究对象,全面研究D公司的EPC项目成本管理模式、方法、各阶段的现况。

    This paper mainly studies D Company which is converted from design institute . It probes into the cost management modes , methodology and the status of each project stage of EPC project of D Company from full-dimensional perspective .

  7. 通过研究不但对YG房地产公司完善成本管理模式、提高市场竞争具有重要的理论和实践价值,而且对其他房地产公司及其他企业的发展也具有借鉴意义。

    It is value not only to YG Real Estate Corporation perfect their cost mode and increase market competition , but also to other real estate corporation .

  8. 本文通过对FP水泥公司当前成本管理模式的分析,总结出企业目前的成本管理模式已经很难有效的控制成本,成本管理的重心必须由事后的成本控制向事前及事中的成本控制转移。

    This paper made a conclusion that current cost management of the company could not control the cost efficiently through analyzing on current cost management process . The cost management must be focused from afterwards management control to beforehand management control .

  9. 从企业组织的历史变迁中看成本管理模式的演进

    Cost management evolutionary research from the history and development of organization

  10. 成本管理模式的创新&战略成本管理

    Strategic Cost Control & a Creative Model of Accounting Cost Control

  11. 基于产品生命周期的成本管理模式探讨

    The discussion on cost management pattern based on product life cycle

  12. 价值网环境下的成本管理模式研究

    Study on Cost Management Mode in the Environment of Value Nets

  13. 集成化保证成本管理模式与方法研究

    Study on Integration Mode and Methods of Warranty Cost Management

  14. 煤炭化工制油价值链企业成本管理模式研究

    A study on coal-chemical-oil products value chain extension and cost management mode

  15. 然后,揭示了成保公司目前目标成本管理模式存在的不足之处。

    Then , as Paul reveals the current target cost management shortcomings .

  16. 环境的变化要求相应的成本管理模式发生变革。

    Environmental change requires the transformation of cost management pattern .

  17. 目标&作业成本管理模式研究

    Study on " Target-activity " Based Cost Management Mode

  18. 第四章:高等学校科研全成本管理模式,讨论了全成本管理的一系列基本问题。

    Chapter Four presents a model of total cost control of grant administration .

  19. 科研型企业成本管理模式的比较研究

    Comparison of Cost Management Approaches in High Technology Enterprises

  20. 信息化环境下企业的成本管理模式

    A Mode of Enterprise Cost Management in Informationization Setting

  21. 石油公司成本管理模式研究

    The Research of Cost Management Pattern of Oil Company

  22. 论目标成本管理模式的有效运行

    On Effective implementation of Management Pattern of Target Cost

  23. 企业成本管理模式研究

    Study on cost management pattern of the company

  24. 现代企业环境成本管理模式刍议

    On Environment Cost Management Pattern for Modern Enterprise

  25. 炼油企业现代成本管理模式探析

    Analysis of Modern Cost management Modes in Refineries

  26. 施工项目成本管理模式研究

    Researches on cost management pattern of construction project

  27. 第六章是成本管理模式的评析,也是本论文的重点。

    The sixth part is the valuation and analysis of the three cost management modes .

  28. 浅议现代成本管理模式

    On the Modes of Modern Cost Management

  29. 基于可持续发展的我国环境成本管理模式研究

    The Study of Management Pattern in Environmental Cost in China Based on Sustainable Development Strategy

  30. 企业成本管理模式研究&一种战略成本管理模式构想

    Study on Cost Management Pattern of the Company : A Thinking of Strategic Cost Management Pattern