- 网络prime minister;Prime Minister of Italy

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi urges Italians to vacation in their own homeland of " skies , sun and sea " in a new television advertisement aimed at boosting an economy struggling to emerge from recession .
The political stakes for Mario Monti , the Italian prime minister , also rose yesterday .
Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi and French President Nicholas Sarkozy , both pledged support for Athens Friday .
In Rome , Italian prime minister Mario Monti said it was premature to say Italy had already decided to apply .
The casualties , thus far , include the leaders of Italy and Greece ; Dexia , the French-Belgian bank , and most recently MF global , the American brokerage .
She has warmly praised Mario Monti , the Italian prime minister , who is committed to cutting the costs of pensions .
The name chosen by prime minister Mario Monti for the austerity package announced on Sunday could have hardly been more telling .
A remedy is to end the virtual lifetime job guarantees such as those that Italian prime minister Mario Monti is working to change .
In Italy , Mario Monti , prime minister , has begun an exemplary combination of fiscal consolidation and reforms of pensions and labour markets .
Others , such as Italy 's Silvio Berlusconi , have seen an opportunity to construct a new state capitalism to shield their industries from outsiders .
Despite a list of promises presented to the summit by Silvio Berlusconi , Italy 's prime minister ( see article ), Germany has good reason to worry .
I am hearing from Berlin that the German government believes that the arrival of Mario Monti as Italian Prime Minister is all it will take to calm the markets .
Prime Minister Matteo Renzi argues that dealing with the deteriorating situation in Libya would tackle the problem at the root .
For example , Silvio Berlusconi , the Italian prime minister who has sometimes been accused of being a vassal of the US , is one of the most reserved European leaders with regard to a policy of containment vis a vis Russia .
Such reassurances appear to have won over Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi 's reformist government , which is highlighting the ChemChina-Pirelli deal as a sign of its more open policy on foreign investment as it seeks to boost the economy .
Bush in Italy for Berlusconi Talks , Meeting with Pope
The announcement came during a visit to Italy by Libyan rebel representative Mahmoud Jibril .
Yesterday , the Italian prime minister expressed indignation and worry about the terrorist attack two days ago .
Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said that the world has never seen a financial crisis like this one .
The French president , the German chancellor and the Italian prime minister have not refrained from mutual recriminations .
Gordon Brown will meet to discuss economic plans Thursday with his Italian counterpart , Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi .
Responding to questions from the UN , human rights rapporteur , Prime Minister Enrico Letta launched an inquiry .
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi , facing a snowballing call girl scandal , said he is no saint .
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi says it will take years to rebuild L'Aquila delicate , urban and artistic heritage .
Berlusconi , 79 , has served as prime minister four times but was convicted of tax fraud and bribery .
Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has said the nationwide coronavirus lockdown will be extended beyond its initial April 3 deadline .
I ask Brant if he thinks Montezemolo should run for Prime Minister of Italy , as has been widely rumoured .
But Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi says the results will only make the creation of a Palestinian state more difficult .
Judging by the Italian prime ministerial elections taking place on Sunday , however , they may actually have a point .
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has won a critical confidence vote in both the Senate and the lower house of parliament .