
  • 网络Emotion Recognition
  1. 基于BP神经网络的语音情感识别算法的研究

    The Research on Speech Emotion Recognition Algorithm Based on BP Neural Network

  2. 论文重点研究了基于BP神经网络的语音情感识别。

    The paper has conducted the research focusing on speech emotion recognition based on BP neural network .

  3. 基于免疫RBF神经网络的语音情感识别

    Emotion Recognition of Speech Signals Based on the Immune Radial Basis Function Networks

  4. 最后,实现了较为理想的基于经验性特征的SVM二叉树语音情感识别。

    At last , empirical characteristics based on SVM binary tree speech emotion recognition is realized ideally .

  5. 基于boostingHMM的语音情感识别

    Speech Emotion Recognition based on Boosting HMM

  6. 基于GMM的流行音乐情感识别研究

    Research on Emotion Recognition of POP Music based on GMM

  7. 当通过训练样本确定SVM的模型后,SVM即可进行测试集合的情感识别。

    After the sample determined by the training model of SVM , SVM can be set to test the emotional identification .

  8. 一种基于GMM模型的语音情感识别方法

    Emotion classification and recognition of speech using GMM-Based method

  9. 具体研究工作如下:1.提出了一种基于经验模态分解的改进MFCC的情感识别方法。

    Speech emotion recognition based on improved MFCC with EMD is proposed .

  10. 提出了一种基于样本熵和MFCC融合的语音情感识别方法。

    Speech emotion recognition based on the fusion of sample entropy and MFCC is proposed .

  11. 最后采用矢量量化(VQ)的方法,分别用上述特征做说话人无关、文本无关的语音情感识别。

    At last , with pattern recognition theory Vector Quantization ( VQ ), speaker-independent and text-independent emotion recognition is simulated using the above features respectively .

  12. 最后运用SVM与ANN分类器相结合的方法实现了基于家庭服务机器人的语音情感识别系统,并与机器人的其他模块结合,完成了测试与应用。

    Finally , we use a combination of methods of SVM and ANN classifier home service robot-based speech emotion recognition system , combined with other modules of the robot to complete the test and application .

  13. 利用DSP实验系统进行情感识别实验,实验结果表明每一种情感的识别率都在60%以上。

    The statistical experimental results show that recognition rate of every emotion is over 60 % . Using DSP experimental system , do emotion recognition experiment , the results of experiment show that each type of emotion recognition rate is more than 60 % .

  14. 基于心电P-QRS-T波的特征提取及情感识别

    Feature extraction and emotion recognition based on ECG P-QRS-T waves

  15. 音乐情感识别(MusicEmotionRecognition,MER)技术是利用计算机分析和处理音乐特征,研究音乐特征空间与情感空间的映射关系,实现对音乐所表达情感的认知过程。

    Music emotion recognition ( MER ) is a process of using computer to analyze and process music feature . It studies the mapping relations of music feature space and emotional space , and it realizes the cognition of emotion that music expresses .

  16. 为了增强情感识别过程中皮肤电反应(GSR)信号特征选择的有效性,提出了一种改进的模拟退火免疫粒子群算法。

    An improved immune particle swarm optimization was presented in this study in order to increase the effectiveness of feature selection for emotion recognition based on Galvanic Skin Response ( GSR ) .

  17. 为确定非线性特征的可用性,引入IH-PSO(免疫混合粒子群)算法来做特征选择,将这些特征混入被证明具有代表性的统计特征中,如果被选中,即可以用来做情感识别。

    In order to determine the availability of the nonlinear feature , the IH-PSO is introduced to be the feature selection ; these features are mixed with the representative statistical characteristics which are proved .

  18. 情感识别是人工隋感研究中的一项重要任务。

    Emotion recognition is an important field in artificial emotion research .

  19. 结合音质特征和韵律特征的语音情感识别

    Speech emotion recognition by combining voice quality and prosody features

  20. 基于短时和长时特征的语音情感识别研究

    Speech Emotion Recognition Study Based on Short-term and Long-term Features

  21. 基于韵律语段的语音情感识别方法研究

    Research on the speech emotion recognition method with prosodic segment level features

  22. 实际的研究表明,语音情感识别方法有多种。

    Speech Emotion Recognition Based on Rough Set and SVM ;

  23. 基于协方差描述子和黎曼流形的语音情感识别

    Speech Emotion Recognition Based on Covariance Descriptor and Riemannian Manifold

  24. 利用模糊熵进行参数有效性分析的语音情感识别

    Emotion Recognition of Speech Using Fuzzy Entropy Effectiveness Analysis

  25. 基于特征参数融合的语音情感识别方法

    Study on Method of Emotion Recognition of Speech Based on Feature Parameter Fusion

  26. 希尔伯特边际谱在语音情感识别中的应用

    Application of Hilbert marginal spectrum in speech emotion recognition

  27. 普通话语音情感识别关键技术研究

    Research on Key Issues of Mandarin Speech Emotion Recognition

  28. 结合韵律和音质参数的改进二次判别式在语音情感识别中的应用

    Speech Emotion Recognition Using Prosody and Voice Quality Features by Modified Quadratic Discrimination Function

  29. 皮肤电作为一种易于获取的基本生理信号,已被广泛应用于情感识别研究中。

    As a basic physiological signal & GSR is also used in emotion recognizes .

  30. 基于基音参数规整及统计分布模型距离的语音情感识别

    Emotional speech recognition based on modified parameter and distance of statistical model of pitch