
  • 网络emotional advertising
  1. 情感广告的传播效果及作用机制

    The Mechanism and Communication Effects of Emotional Appeal in Modern Advertising

  2. 低卷入产品更适合用情感广告。

    Low-involved products suit better for emotional advertisings .

  3. 情感诉求广告及其心理效应分析

    The Emotional Appeal Advertisement and Its Psychological Effect Analysis

  4. 但情感诉求广告作用于受众的心理效应过程究竟如何?

    But how does the emotional appeal advertising act on the psychology of the audience ?

  5. 论审美情感与广告创作

    Aesthetics in the Creation of Advertisements

  6. 创意是广告的灵魂,情感诉求广告是现代商业广告创意中的一把利剑。

    Originality is the soul of an advertisement . Perceptual appeal is a benefit sword in modern commercial advertisement .

  7. 审美情感对于广告创作之作用体现在三个方面:一是满足受众的情感需求,激发消费动机;

    It functions in three following points : 1.It meets the emotional demands of customers and motivates them into consumption .

  8. 审美情感对于广告创作具有特殊价值,它是沟通广告与消费者的一个重要桥梁和纽带。

    In the creation of advertisement aesthetics possesses a particular value , which is an important link between advertisement and the potential customers .

  9. 本文主要采取定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法,重点论述了个体受众接受情感诉求广告的心理效应过程。

    This thesis combines the qualitative data analysis with the quantitative analysis , and focuses on discussing the psychological effect course of the audience accepting the emotional appeal advertising .

  10. 情感诉求广告通过把情感孕育到广告中支撑起产品的品牌形象,以独特的广告语打动人们的心灵,促动人们的情感末梢,实现消费者真正的购买行为。

    The emotion pursuing advertisement has its own features by gestating emotion into the advertisement to support the image of the product , move the people with special advertisement logo , touch the sense twig so that bring to actual purchasing activities .

  11. 笔者尝试将广告分为新闻性广告、娱乐性广告和情感性广告。分类标准依照诉求形式,出发点则是方便探讨这些广告形式在群体效应方面不同的表现。

    The author tries to divide these Ad into journalistic Ad , Entertaining Ad and Emotional Ad , The classification criterion is according to the forms of the appeal , intending to make it easy to explore the different expression of these advertising forms on the group effect .

  12. 试论情感在电视广告配音当中的重要作用

    On the Important Role of Emotion in TV Ads Dubbing

  13. 情感型幽默广告较认知型幽默广告能产生更好的购买意愿。

    Cognitive humor advertising has better effects on purchasing intention than affectional humor advertising . 5 .

  14. 第五章分析了广告隐喻的创新性、广告隐喻的价值意义以及广告隐喻的情感表现,广告中应用隐喻的原则事项等。

    The fifth part analyzed the innovation , value and emotional expression of metaphor in print advertisements .

  15. 情感诉求是现代广告创意的一种重要表现手段。

    Emotion appealing is one of the important expressing means for modern advertisement originality .

  16. 从情感传递因素谈广告的翻译原则

    Translation Principle of Advertisement and Emotional Transmission

  17. “硬卖”(理性诉求)与“软卖”(情感诉求)是广告语篇的两种基本表现手段。

    The " hard sell "( rational appeal ) and the " soft sell "( emotional appeal ) are two basic representational means in the advertising discourse .

  18. 理性诉求和情感诉求是两种基本的广告诉求形式,根据诉求重点的不同,广告可以分为理性广告和情感广告。

    Rational appeals and emotional appeals are two basic formals of advertising appeal . According to the different appeals , advertisings are divided into rational advertisings and emotional advertisings .

  19. 第四章研究情感营销的战略,提出情感营销与广告相结合。

    In the fourth chapter , describe emotional marketing strategy and put forward strategy that combined emotional marketing and advertising strategy .

  20. 情感诉求,主要包括情感设计、情感包装、情感促销和情感广告;

    Emotional claim , which mainly includes emotion design , emotion packing , emotion promotion as well as emotion advertisement ;