
  • The University of Sydney;Sydney University
  1. 悉尼大学的萨拉·苏卡瑞将在新南威尔士中部的几个农场进行试验,她说:“你还可利用颜色、质地和形状传感器来俯视地面,检查牧场的质量。”

    " You 've also got color , texture and shape sensors looking down at the ground to check pasture quality , " says Salah Sukkarieh of the University of Sydney , who will carry out trials on several farms in central New South Wales .

  2. 大学内部学术质量保障体系的系统建构&以悉尼大学为例

    Establishing the Internal Academic Quality Assurance System & A Case Study on University of Sydney

  3. 他是由悉尼大学的一个团队创造的。

    He was created by a team at Sydney University .

  4. 1982年,作者在悉尼大学对能量为6×10~(14)~5×10~(16)eV的高能宇宙线的能谱进行了实验研究。

    Energy spectrum of cosmic rays ranging from 6 × 10 ~ ( 14 ) to 5 × 10 ( 16 ) eV is studied .

  5. 根据毕马威(KPMG)和悉尼大学编制的一份名为《解密中国对澳农业投资》(DemystifyingChineseInvestmentinAustralianAgribusiness)的报告,与上述数据相比,中国对采矿业的投资为368亿澳元。

    This compared with A $ 36.8bn investment in mining , according to a report , titled Demystifying Chinese Investment in Australian Agribusiness , compiled by KPMG and Sydney University .

  6. 但是,悉尼大学(UniversityofSydney)教育与社会工作系讲师谢耀东(Yeow-TongChia,音译)说,新加坡大学教育的需求是巨大的,私立教育部门的强劲增长就是明证。

    But Yeow-Tong Chia , a lecturer at the faculty of education and social work at the University of Sydney , said there was great demand for university education in Singapore , illustrated by the strong growth of the private education sector .

  7. 杰利夫先生在悉尼大学获得经济学专业的学位,现于Pyrmont软件下属的Topologi公司担任首席技术官一职。

    Mr Jelliffe holds an economics degree from the University of Sydney and is chief technical officer at Topologi , a Pyrmont software company .

  8. 她曾看到多米尼加姐妹在悉尼大学教课。

    She had seen Dominican sisters serving at the University of Sydney .

  9. 我们应该向澳大利亚悉尼大学学习。

    We may learn from Sydney University in Australia .

  10. 英州,悉尼大学,澳大利亚。

    Ying Zhou , Sydney University , Australia .

  11. 悉尼大学建于1850年,是澳大利亚的第一所大学。

    The University of Sydney , founded in1850 , is Australia 's first university .

  12. 悉尼大学:著名。物换星移,大学校。心智相通。

    University of Sydney : Although the stars are changed , our spirit is same .

  13. 现在我在澳大利亚的悉尼大学读书。学习和生活都不错。

    I am studying in Sydney Unuiversity of Australia , and both study and life are good .

  14. 桑力克教授于1970年毕业于悉尼大学,获得医学一级荣誉学位。

    Professor Saunders graduated in medicine with first-class honours from the University of Sydney ( 1970 ) .

  15. 方法:应用澳大利亚悉尼大学儿童睡眠中心临床问卷的中国修订版,对延吉市2~6岁582名儿童的睡眠状况进行调查分析。

    Methods : 582 children age 2 to 6 years old were investigated with questionnaire in Yanji .

  16. 乌考克医学院,悉尼大学;心理学系,邦特大学。

    The Woolcock Institute of Medical Research , University of Sydney , Department of Psychology , Bond University .

  17. 让每位毕业生心中充满骄傲&悉尼大学在京举行毕业生庆典

    Make Every Graduate to Be Proud of Themselves & Graduation ceremony of the University of Sydney in Beijing

  18. 该男子毕业于悉尼大学,获得临床医学硕士学位。

    The man graduates with a master degree in clinical medicine from Sydney University according to the local reports .

  19. 悉尼大学同样也开办了一年级读书俱乐部,以鼓励大一新生阅读更多专业课程以外的书籍。

    The University of Sydney also launched a first-year book club to encourage all freshmen to read beyond their course readers .

  20. 在未来的几年里,我想进入悉尼大学继续深造,并把法律作为我的专业。

    In the next few years , I want to get into the university of sydney and choose the subject law .

  21. 去年在悉尼大学进行的一次民调显示,45%的澳大利亚人对美国政府有负面的看法。

    In one University of Sydney poll last year , 45 percent of Australians had unfavorable views of the U.S. government .

  22. 来自澳大利亚悉尼大学研究人员报告儿童的左心房大小随着体重指数的增加而增加。

    Researchers from the University of Sydney , Australia , report that left atrial size increases with body mass index in children .

  23. 悉尼大学的医学讲师卡梅伦·韦伯认为,如果你冒着吃它的风险吃掉这些食物,那么你可能不会发生任何问题。

    University of Sydney medical lecturer Cameron Webb advises that if you take the risk of eating it you will probably be fine .

  24. 方法延边大学医院儿科于2005-10,应用澳大利亚悉尼大学儿童睡眠中心临床问卷的中国修订版,对贫困县(吉林省汪清县城区)750名2~6岁儿童的睡眠时间进行调查分析。

    Methods A total of 780 from 2 to 6 years of age children were investigated with questionnaire in the poor country town .

  25. 日前,悉尼大学商学院的一名教师在媒体报道他涉嫌在社交媒体上贬低国际学生之后,引咎辞职。

    A University of Sydney business school tutor has resigned after coverage of allegedly derogatory comments he made about international students on social media .

  26. 你们好。我是澳大利亚人,我的家人是中国人。我是悉尼大学的学生。

    Hi all , OK , so I 've only been learning Chinese for a few weeks but I 'll see how this goes .

  27. 我目前在悉尼大学读商科的本科学位。我攻读的专业是金融和市场营销。

    My name is Sophia . I am doing the commerce degree in the University of Sydney . I major in finance and marketing .

  28. 为此目的,我想进一步寻求在悉尼大学深造职业传播硕士课程。

    In this effort , I have an eye to pursue further training in the program of Master of Professional Communication at University of Sydney .

  29. 领导的一个研究小组从悉尼大学教授,拉姆赞花了一年的调查细胞的影响卡瓦对肝脏。

    Leading a team of researchers from the University of Sydney , Professor Ramzan spent one year investigating the cellular effects of kava on the liver .

  30. 结果,悉尼大学的研究清楚支持较早前文学的意见,对卡瓦的不利影响,对运作的肝脏在一般。

    The results of the University of Sydney 's study clearly support earlier literature observations on kava 's adverse affects on the functioning of the liver in general .