- 名general agent;sole agent;universal agent

The general agent of the insurer shall be the exercising subject of the right of cancellation , while the soliciting agent has no right to cancel the contract .
The securities investment consulting enterprise engaging in the investment consulting business of the offshore funds , unless it is acting as a sales agent , must sign an information cooperation agreement with the general agent .
I be pleased with your general agency offer and be quite willing to work for you .
A sub-distributor agreement may be executed jointly among the sub-distributor , the offshore fund institution , and the master agent .
Article21if a sub-distributor ceases to handle the business of offering and selling offshore funds , it shall immediately notify the master agent .
In handling the matters referred to in the preceding paragraph , unless it can prove that the investor submitted the order before the cut-off time , the master agent or sub-distributor may not arbitrarily diverge therefrom .
A master agent shall produce an annual financial report for the offshore funds represented by it in accordance with the regulations of the place where the fund is registered , and immediately publish it together with a Chinese language summary thereof .
After termination of a master agent relationship , the master agent shall assist investors to carry out subsequent redemption , conversion , or other relevant matters relating to the offshore fund until another offshore fund master agent takes over the business .
Our company ran me for QC manager ! At the same time ran me for general manager deputy !
You have it broker , have you not ?
Banks are hardly to evaluate their own total profits , therefore it is unable to use the total profits as the function to assess the efforts made by agents .