- 名sex ratio

Effect of CdCl_2 on Sperm Toxicity and Sex Ratio in Mouse and Bovine
The high temperatures and drought might lead to the population decline and the fluctuations of sex ratio in summer .
Creativity and originality are more important than technical skill .
Some speakers argued that boxing was less dangerous than rugby .
F_1 Sex Ratio Expression of Hexaploid Wild Mulberry × Diploid Cultivated Mulberry
A slight effect on sex ratio of F_2 was found , but no effect on that of F_1 .
The locality is less evident than that of WWW and FTP ;
Because more Li vacancies in Ti : LiAlO_2 crystal made the ability of hydrolytic reduce , Ti : LiAlO_2 crystal had stronger anti-hydrolytic property comparing with pure LiAlO_2 .
The influence of prolonged starvation upon the sex-ratio in the goldfish , carassius auratus
The compatible of VAE and PA in the composite emulsions is better than the blending system .
The high level maintained at least for 4 months . The positive reactivity of antibody to total histones was greater and occurred earlier than that to ds DNA .
The morphology of S-SBR in toluene solution was discussed .
TGA results suggest that the thermal-resistance of the copolymers is higher than that of homopolymers both in the nitrogen and air .
When glycine was added to the nickel plating solution polluted by Ni2 + , Ni-Zn alloy deposit was obtained , it contained a little zinc and its properties of anticorrosion was better than pure nickel deposit .
The result of laboratory exposure test and electrochemical test indicate that the corrosion resistance of low-magnetic steel is worse than that of 3C steel .
In this paper , we calculate numbers of drones mating queen by RAPD analysis and use theory of kin selection and sex ratio , to study the conflict of sex ratio in colony .
The result shows that the self-adapting ability and robustness of the fuzzy controller are better than that of the traditional PID controller . The controller has high accuracy and fast response , which can effectively control the false water level .
Most of the type 1 diabetic patients with DN will die of cardio-vascular diseases in advance , the danger of whose is 20 - 40 times as much as those without .
Compared with permanent post and core groups by Ni-Cr alloy , the seal of core and root is better in the temporary post groups by stainless steel group .
The results show that PTT staple fibers have good elasticity and softness , and its breaking elongation and elastic recovery rate are higher than that of PET fiber , which is proved by single-extension recovery experiment and ten-extension recovery experiment .
Thermal stability of PEG-HMS composites increased compared to the PEG Cell compatible of PEG-HMS Composite improved compared to HMS , and it is no toxicity .
The results showed that the changes of temperature and concentration of CO2 in colony could heighten juvenile hormone and depress of K + / Na + in 15 ~ 20 day ages worker honeybee , thereby the colony had behavior to control honeybee sex ratio .
The results of TGGE and clone library profiling analysis both indicated that microbial community of the WW had higher diversity than the OW .
The abrasion curve is the most stable . So the wear resistance of Ti-N alloying layer is better than that of Cr-Mo alloying layer .
The tribological properties of Ni - P alloy coating are examined . The results show that the antiwear of Ni - P alloy coating is 6 . 2 times greater than medium carbide steel , friction coeffcient increased by 20.35 % .
Moreover , the tightness of the carriages of the new high-speed trains such as CRH , is better than the previous trains , which makes it more difficult for the wireless signals propagating into the train .
The corrosion resistant of Zn-Cr coating is 7 times as high as zinc plating in the solution of 3.5 % NaCl , and in the solution of 3.5 % NaOH is same as zinc plating with the study of electrochemical technique and weight losing method .
In the second chapter , a model similar to Malthus analogy is introduced , which supports an exponential solution which is globally asymptotically stable ; however , the sex ratio is stable .
The article studies the mechanical and thermal properties of PTT filament by comparing it with other filaments . The result shows that PTT filaments is of good elasticity and softness with its breaking elongation and elastic recover rate higher than that of other filaments , especially PET .
Results showed that the foamer PAS-12 scarcely adsorbs on the oil sand surface and the foaming ability is better than that of SDS and ABS . At 70 ℃, when the PAS-12 content is only 0.20 % , the foam height is more than 180 mm .