
xìnɡ zhènɡ zhì
  • sexual politics
  1. 弗兰岑的小说《自由》(Freedom)和《纠正》(TheCorrections)都卖了100多万册。和这两本畅销小说一样,他的新小说也是探索性政治、爱情和亲情等宏大主题。

    Like Mr. Franzen 's best-sellers " Freedom " and " The Corrections , " which have each sold well over a million copies , his new novel tackles big themes like sexual politics , love and parenthood .

  2. 凯特·米利特的《性政治》是女性主义批评的一个里程碑。

    The work Sexual Politics by Kate Millett is a milestone in feminist criticism .

  3. 当代台湾青年边际性政治人格特征解析

    The feature of marginal political personality for contemporary Taiwan 's youth

  4. 现代还是古典&论新保守主义对现代性政治伦理的批判

    Modernity or Classicalism & On the neoconservative critique to modern political ethics

  5. 规范性政治哲学的道德基础:柏拉图与亚里士多德

    Ethic Basis of Normative Political Philosophy : Plato and Aristotle

  6. 第三章从性政治的角度分析萨拉的形象是对传统女性形象的彻底颠覆。

    The image of Sarah is a totally subversion to the traditional women imagery .

  7. 现代性政治和后现代性政治在矛盾的平衡上出现了不同的策略。

    The modern politics and the postmodern politics have different strategy to face this question .

  8. 利益博弈与抗争性政治&当代中国社会冲突的政治社会学理解

    Benefit Gambling and Contentious Politics : Political Sociology Understanding on Social Conflict in Contemporary China

  9. 协商性政治逻辑上是当代中国政治文明的有机组成部分;

    The consultative politics has become an important part of the political civilization of contemporary China .

  10. 特殊主义、普遍主义与现代性政治的认同&在中西政治文化之间的言说

    Particularism , Universalism and Identity of Modernistic Politics Globalization : Production of Culture and Cultural Identity

  11. 而英雄观在价值取向上强烈的政治关怀,则促进了务实性政治的开展。

    And the concept of hero 's strong politics care promoted the launding of the practical politics .

  12. 据响应性政治中心统计,截至5月底,罗姆尼从华尔街筹集到了近950万美元。

    Mr. Romney collected nearly $ 9.5 million as of the end of May , according to the center .

  13. 现在,把这幅社会性政治性的图景应用到个人身上来。

    Now , take that picture - that social , political picture - and apply it to the individual person .

  14. 文章从湖湘文化的角度探讨了对湖南区域性政治传统的看法。

    This paper has probed into the view with traditional regional politics of Hunan in terms of the culture of Huxiang .

  15. 炫耀性政治行为是指人们以炫耀权力为方式,以满足虚荣心为目的而进行的各种政治行为。

    Conspicuous political behavior is when one in charge makes a parade of the power in order to satisfy ones vanity .

  16. 作为20世纪20年代主导性政治文化的和平裁兵思潮,对社会政治生活的影响至为深远。

    The peaceful disarmament opinion as a dominant political culture in the 1920s had exerted a far-reaching influ-ence on the political life .

  17. 根据响应性政治中心,科技和互联网行业在2014年选举周期迄今,已捐献了将近2250万美元。

    Tech and internet donors have given almost $ 22.5m so far in the 2014 election cycle , according to the CRP .

  18. 发展对华实质性政治关系,全面发展对华经济贸易关系与合作,但不急于与华建立外交关系;

    It had constructed practical political relations with China and developed all-round trade relations and economical cooperation but reluctated to establish diplomatic relation ;

  19. 正如(海明律师)你所知,杰克-卡弗蒂近日接受了美国一位全国性政治评论员比尔-波莱的采访。

    As you may know , Jack Cafferty recently gave an interview to Bill Press , a nationally syndicated political commentator in the United States .

  20. 李辉说,按惯例,成员国元首将签署和发表一个宣言。这是峰会的总结性政治文件。

    Li said that it is customary that the heads of member states will sign and issue a declaration as the summary political document of the summit .

  21. 比如非理性和非制度性政治参与仍然存在,政治意识与政治参与行动之间出现分化现象,政治参与的利益性增强等等。

    Such as the existence of some non-rational and non-institutional political participation , diversion of political awareness and participation , the interests of enhanced political participation and so on .

  22. 奥巴马在获得支持的党代表人数上扩大了领先幅度,他在北卡罗莱纳州对欢呼雀跃的支持群众表示,他的胜利是针对“分裂与破坏性政治的一个胜利”。

    Obama increased his lead in the delegate count and told jubilant supporters in North Carolina that his win was a victory against the politics of division and destruction .

  23. 无党派研究机构“响应性政治中心”的数据显示,到目前为止,竞选美国国会议员的民主党人能够比共和党对手筹集到更多的资金。

    Data from the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics shows that Democrats running for U.S. Congress have been able to raise more funds than their Republican opponents so far .

  24. 被症候阅读法揭出的性政治中的女性真实处境作者萧红没有看到,她对真相是盲目的,她的总问题领域制约了她的目光,无法认识女性神话的意识形态本质。

    She is blind to the truth , she is restricted by problematic domain , and she can 't understand the nature of the ideology of the female myths .

  25. 因此有了父权制这一术语。女性主义认为,性政治在这个有男女两性构成的社会中已经形成了习惯规则和历史问题。

    Hence the term patriarchy , feminists hold that gender politics is the customary rule and also a historical problem in the world which consists of men and women .

  26. 这种改良性政治变革有助于国家治理的机制化,扩大国民的政治参与,并对民权给予适度的尊重和让渡。

    The political changes that help improve governance of laws and regulations , expanding the political participation of citizens , and to give appropriate respect for civil rights and alienation .

  27. 近年来,全球金融危机爆发,地区性政治问题不断出现,中美贸易关系日益密切,中美关系的全球性影响力逐渐增强,两国相互依存度提升,同时分歧和矛盾增多。

    In recent years , the global financial crisis and regional political problems appear ceaselessly . Sino-U.S. trade relations increasingly become close . The global influence of Sino-U.S. relations strengthen gradually .

  28. 然而,口头上说说将以负责任的态度逐步撤军(正如奥巴马最近所说),这并不能代替高层为达成某种区域性政治和解而采取的实质性举措。

    But talking about a responsible wind-down , as did Mr Obama this week , is no substitute for a serious effort at the top to achieve something resembling a regional political settlement .

  29. 通过分析,本文认为,这一实然性政治秩序与规范性政治秩序存在着很大程度的背离,最基本的秩序功能已丧失,更无以承担起基本性价值实现的功能。

    Through the analyzing , this text thinks , to a great extent , the real-state political order is deviated from standardizing political order . The most basic order function has already been lost .

  30. 但是也存在着问题,主要表现为高参与率与低参与质量并存、非制度性政治参与频繁发生、参与冷漠的广泛存在。

    But there are also problems , Which are : the coexistence of high participation rate and low participation quality , the frequent occurrence of abnormal political participation , the widespread indifference to political participation .