
  • 网络MBTI;personality types;personality
  1. 其次,教师应在学习者策略培训中融入性格类型的相关知识。

    Second , teachers should incorporate personality types into leaner strategy training .

  2. 专家们称,一些性格类型的人会比其他人更成功。

    Some personality types are more successful than others , experts say .

  3. 结果,人类发展出一系列至今仍存在的性格类型。

    As a result , humans developed a range of character types that still exists today .

  4. 如果埃博拉病毒(Ebola)是一种性格类型,那就是这种战斗狂型的性格了。

    If Ebola was a personality type , it would be a conflict junkie .

  5. 性格类型对LDL-C和VLDL-C无明显影响。

    Character type has no influences on concentrations of serum LDL-C and VLDL-C.

  6. 目的:探讨知情方式、性格类型对Norplant埋植避孕剂续用率的影响。

    Objective : To study the effects of detailed way and character type on the continuous use rate of Norplant implant contraception .

  7. MBTI性格类型理论无论对作为个体的法律人和还是对作为整体的法律职业,在自我完善方面都具有重要的参考价值。

    MBTI psychological type theory may contribute to the self-perfection to individual lawyers as well as legal profession as a whole .

  8. 影响躯体功能自我效能感得分的有ECOG体能状态评分、现阶段最痛评分、病后活动情况、性格类型、年龄5个因素。

    The factors affecting self-efficacy for physical function are ECOG score , the current most pain score , the activity condition after ill , character type , age .

  9. 采用Y-G人格测验问卷及自制职业自评、他评调查表,分析比较了优秀护士与一般护士的人格特质、性格类型的差异。

    The research was to identify the differences of personality traits and character types between excellent and ordinary nurses by the Y-G Personality Test and self-made questionnaire .

  10. 结果不同性格类型、述情障碍、身心障碍、生命质量、体重指数的T2DM患者的性别间差异有显著性意义。

    Results There are obvious differences between male and female with Type 2 diabetes mellitus on type A behavior , Alexithymia , mind and body obstacle , life quality , and older age , mental work and obese are the risk factors .

  11. 提示从Y-G人格测验中提取护士人格特异性指标具有可行性;优秀护士人格特质的特异性指标可折射其性格类型、对开发护士职业心理素质研究的应用工具有一定价值。

    Moreover , the specific indexes of excellent nurses could indicate their character types , which had certain value for developing the applied tool of nurses ' vocational psychological quality .

  12. 影响症状应对自我效能感得分的有ECOG体能状态评分、现阶段最痛评分、性格类型、健康教育情况、病后活动情况、年龄、口服阿片类止痛药情况7个因素。

    The factors affecting self-efficacy for coping with symptom are ECOG score , the current most pain score , character type , health education condition , the activity condition after ill , age , the condition of taking oral opioid drugs .

  13. 冠心病患者的性格类型和抑郁状态分析抑郁症患者的述情障碍

    The analysis of character types and depressive state among coronary heart disease patients

  14. 其中一些性格类型的人要比其他类型的人更容易成功。

    Some personality types are more successful than others .

  15. 成功和性格类型其实没有多大联系。

    Achievement is not necessarily related to personality type .

  16. 这种世界上最流行的心理测试的原理是荣格的性格类型理论,它每年大约被应用200多万次。

    Over two million are administered every year .

  17. 工作满意度、组织承诺度和离职意图会因为员工性格类型的不同而有差异。

    Job satisfaction , organizational commitment and turnover intention have a significant character difference .

  18. 英语专业学生性格类型与语法、语用能力及其意识程度研究

    The relationship between Chinese English majors ' personality and their pragmatic and grammatical competence / awareness

  19. 这种用法使得外向者和内向者似乎代表相反的性格类型。

    This usage makes the extrovert and the introvert seem to stand for opposed personality types .

  20. 不同性格类型的女大学生经前期综合征相关知识及态度分析

    Analysis on attitudes and related knowledge of premenstrual syndrome of female university students with different temperament types

  21. 本次测试主要探讨各种性格类型与相关职业的匹配程度。

    The test focused on a variety of personality types and career matching the degree of correlation .

  22. 再次,学习者也应当关注自身性格类型及对英语学习策略的影响。

    Third , learners themselves should also be sensitive to their personality types and the effect on ELSs .

  23. 于是,人力资源招聘官和职业规划专家分析了每种性格类型的优势与劣势,并提出了相应的建议。

    HRs and career experts analyze the strength and weakness of each type and to offer corresponding tips .

  24. 记得世上还有15种与你看待事物完全不同的性格类型。

    Remember that there are15 other personality types out there who see things differently than you see them .

  25. 此人的性格类型、当前的问题及诊断可能如何影响他的在线治疗的适宜性呢?

    How might personality type , presenting complaint , and diagnosis influence the person 's suitability for online therapy ?

  26. 结果男、女学生在抑郁性、主客观性、细致性、支配性及性格类型分布上差异有显著性;

    Results There were significant sex difference of subjective and objective , meticulosity , domination and distribution of personality type .

  27. 试着分辨你长时间接触的每一个人的性格类型。

    Try to identify the personality type of everyone that you come into contact with for any length of time .

  28. 中国高中学生性格类型与英语学习策略相关研究

    A Study of the Relationship between Students ' Personality Traits and English Learning Strategies in Senior High Schools in China

  29. 本文报告了350例急性充血性青光眼和50例正常成年人的性格类型。

    The present paper reports the character types of 50 patients with acute congested glaucoma and those of 50 normal adults .

  30. 根据不同性格类型的人因人而异做好咨询工作可提高其续用率。

    In view of different people 's different characters , the best counselling work was reguired to increase the acceptance rate .