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Surface Modification of Latex Catheter by Oxygen Plasma
A novel FDTD ( finite-difference time-domain ) method is presented for the analysis of electromagnetic wave propagation in periodic structures .
H-plane waveguide discontinuities is an important problem in the theory of guided waves .
Cadherin-11 is a single-chain integral membrane glycoprotein , which mediates calcium-dependent cell cell adhesion by homophilic manner .
OBJECTIVE To study prospectively the determination of peripheral biological membrane on indwelling urethral catheter in order to provide experimental bases for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections with catheter ( UTIc ) .
Specific Antagonistic Action of Aminophylline on the Negative Dromotropic Effect of Adenosine
Preparation of Water-borne Static-Conducting Water Dispersing Nano Slurry
Then it discussed the characteristics of moisture fibers and explored a new type cooling technology .
It makes clear that the fabric possesses good characteristics of heat reservation and conducting moisture and good shape stability .
The paper analyzed unfairness in the construction bidding , and put forward a method to improve management of engineering bidding
Colloidal graphite for cathode tube external coating with liquid carrier testing method for emulsion characteristics of petroleum oil and synthetic fluids
High electrical conductivity layer distributed in crust and mantle exists in lithosphere in Southern Songliao Basin and its southern neighboring area .
We can derive one theorem of the continuity of a force and three theorems about the trajectory of a particle with the particle-motion-continuity axiom .
There were above average perception for the elementary schools educators'points of view about the ideals of teacher professional development by Developmental Supervision in Keelung City .
Some research results from geothermal heat flow values and the electrical high conductivity layer 's upwelling in crust and upper mantle have been referenced in the study .
There are various types of stimuli acting directly or indirectly via cellular mediators within myocardium , and hence promoting myocardial remodeling after the initiation of myocardial damage .
The paper discussed the characters of derivatives that it has the character of intermediate value property and it has no the character of the discontinuity points of the first kind .
Colored weaving fabric which weaved with soybean protein fiber and cotton fiber Blended yarn has soft smooth feeling , better drape , better conduct wet and better strength & elongation .
Comprehensively utilized these information , found that the 13 # covered transmissible karstic subsided column existed in originally designed 3-2 belt conveyor roadway area , where is a water-rich and has strong transmissibility area .
This paper also provides processing methods for the aircraft SMCs specific geometric features , such as symmetry , pilot hole , bend relief and so on , in this foundation , the corresponding post processing subsystems is designed .
The role of T_H cells in memory CTL mediated tumor protection
Intravenous infusion of vitamin C significantly increased the percent change of brachial artery induced by reactive hyperemia .
A Preliminary Application of _ ~ ( 51 ) Cr Release Test for the Measurement of Antibody-dependent Cell-mediated Cytotoxicity ( ADCC ) Activity
Fruit-specific RNAi-mediated Lcy Gene Silencing Enhances Content of Lycopene in Tomatoes
Application of Overlap Extension Mediated by Restriction Endonuclease in Cloning of Human Cyclooxygenase-1 ( COX-1 ) Gene
Efficient conversion between the two types of modes can be achieved by reshaping both phase and power density distributions of the guided mode .
This article aims to find an evolution conservative gene interaction networks based on RNAi induced by the endogenous siRNA , by using the principles and methods of bioinformatics .
In traditional OFDM systems , equispaced and equipowered pilot sequence is generally used . However , this pilot sequence cannot be applied to NC-OFDM systems due to the non-continuous spectrum .
In the study , on the basis of studying the system of genetic transformation of Tremella fuciformis , a lysine-rich protein gene expression vector was constructed , and then transferred into Tremella fuciformis spores with Restriction Enzyme-Mediated DNA Integration ( REMI ) .
Periodic block type pilot are used for the path delay .