
jí xìnɡ ɡǎn rǎn xìnɡ xīn nèi mó yán
  • acute infective endocarditis
  1. 本文回顾性分析15例急性感染性心内膜炎病人围手术期的护理体会和总结。

    To retrospectively evaluate the perioperative nursing experience of 15 patients of acute infective endocarditis .

  2. 结果:金葡败血症并发心内膜炎发生率5.7%,占同期急性感染性心内膜炎的40.6%,死亡率38.46%。

    Results : There were 5.7 % SAS children with infective endocarditis , accounted for 40.6 % of the acute infective endocarditis children at the same period , and mortality was 38.46 % .

  3. 急性感染性心内膜炎患者瓣膜置换术的护理

    Observation and nursing of acute infectious endocarditis patients with valve replacement

  4. 急性感染性心内膜炎围手术期护理

    Perioperative Nursing for Acute Infective Endocarditis

  5. 主动脉瓣示,毒力强的细菌可引发急性感染性心内膜炎,从而导致心脏严重损坏。

    The more virulent bacteria causing the acute bacterial form of infective endocarditis can lead to serious destruction , as shown here in the aortic valve .