
  • 网络express network
  1. 从现实情况来看,快递网络资源的竞争是快递企业发展的关键,各种方式的网络扩张是快递企业在竞争中寻求发展所采用的普遍手段。

    Express network resource competition is the key to the development of enterprises .

  2. 民航快递网络覆盖全国,区域公司功能齐全。

    The Air Express network covers the whole country and its operation base function is complete .

  3. 优化后的快递网络在没有降低服务质量的同时,节约了运输成本,适合SF公司的航空运输网络的发展。

    The optimized network cut down the costs of the air transport without reducing the quality of services at the same time , and suitable for the development of SF Company .

  4. (钻床)快速主轴调整全连通快递网络与轴辐快递网络的比较

    Quick spindle adjustment Comparative Study on Fully-connected and Hub-and-spoke Express Operational Networks

  5. 快递网络的复杂性及鲁棒性分析&以某快递企业为例

    Analysis on the Complexity and Robustness of Express Distribution Network & A Case Study of an Express Enterprise

  6. 快递网络是快递企业的基础,建立完善的快递网络,是保证提高时效和降低成本的根本。

    Express Network is the basis of express delivery companies . The establishment of a sound delivery network is fundamental to ensure greater timeliness and reduce costs .

  7. 全连通快递网络与轴辐快递网络的比较按照网络和当地作业标准,正确操作所有进出口快件,达到转运时间的目标。

    Comparative Study on Fully-connected and Hub-and-spoke Express Operational Networks Ensures that all shipments - both inbound and outbound - are processed according to local and DHL Network standards and that transit times are met .

  8. 在此基础上,以成本最小化、效益最大化为目标,建立了快递网络覆盖模型和快递中转场选址模型,提出了网点布局方案,并给出相应算例。

    On the foundation of above , the cost optimization and the benefit maximization as an object , overlay network model and distribution centers ' site selection model are founded . The opposite examples are given .

  9. 拓展研究了具有多个时间以及多个费用阈值的快递运输网络。

    Expanding the study of multiple time and multiple cost constraints express transportation enterprise network .

  10. 需求网络的网络效应是快递服务网络化的原始驱动力量。

    Express demand network effects are original driving force to make express service formulate networks .

  11. 本文提出并论证了快递供给网络和需求网络的网络效应。

    This paper proposes and argues the express supply network effects and express demand network effects .

  12. 在这些的基础上研究了在单个时间以及单个费用阈值下的快递运输网络。

    On the basis of these research the express transportation enterprise network in a single time and a single cost constraint .

  13. 围绕这三种思路,分析研究了具有集团结构和中心节点的快递运输网络的物理维度网络,并对快递运输网络中心节点的评价指标进行了研究。

    Around these three ideas , analysis of the Group structure and the central node of the physical dimensions of express delivery networks is evaluation .

  14. 具体研究内容与创新工作如下:(1)研究了快递营运网络的特点和优化目标。

    The main content and innovation work are following : ( 1 ) The features and optimization objective of operation networks of express enterprises were studied .

  15. 而快递运输网络是整个快递服务系统的重要组成部分,同时它也是整个快递服务业务得以正常运行的基础。

    Express transportation network is an important part of the entire express transportation system , it is also the basis of the express transportation business which can be proceed .

  16. 快递服务网络在从快件揽收开始到完成派送的整个过程中,是由众多的点与点的衔接完成的,而这其中最重要和最关键的点就是转运中心。

    Express courier service network from start to receive and delivery in the entire process , which is many points of convergence points , and the most critical and most important point is the transshipment hub .

  17. 通过分析中铁快运创立以来成功拓展快递业务网络的案例,揭示了铁路传统运输体制存在的主要问题和改革方向。

    Through analyzing the success of China Railway Express ( CRE ) in exploiting parcel delivery service network , this paper displays the main problems existing in Chinese railway system and points out directions for its reform .

  18. 电女商务、电女收付、快递业、网络基本环境等方里的收铺、完好为网络购物奠订了基本。

    E-commerce , electronic payment , express industry , the network infrastructure environment and other aspects of development , improve are the foundation of online shopping rapid development .

  19. 要深化流通体制改革,清除妨碍全国统一市场的各种关卡,降低流通成本,促进物流配送、快递业和网络购物发展。

    We will deepen reform of distribution channels ; remove all barriers to a nationwide unified market ; cut distribution costs ; and encourage development of logistics and delivery , express delivery services , and online shopping .

  20. 虽然国民银行、联邦快递公司和Bay网络公司没有什么共同之处,但他们确实共享一种技术。

    Though Nations Bank , FedEx and Bay Networks have little in common , they do share a technology .

  21. 快递服务网点的布局涉及到快递网络、快递市场需求、快递行业竞争等多方面的内容。

    The layout of service nodes is influenced by express network , the demand of express market and the competition of express enterprises etc.

  22. 最后,研究了基于快递运输组织方案的快递市场竞争网络均衡问题,建立了快递市场竞争网络均衡变分不等式模型。

    Lastly , through studying on competitive network equilibrium problem of express market , express market competitive network variational inequality model was built .

  23. 美国最大的包裹递送集团联合包裹(ups)和德国所有的敦豪快递(dhl)也将在中国发展国内快递网络。

    UPS , the largest US package delivery group , and German-owned DHL are also developing domestic express networks in China .

  24. 不论是从事国际快递、异地快递,还是同城快递的企业,为了争取更多的市场份额,会不断优化自身的快递网络,提高快递网络的效率。

    The company whether engaged in international express , remote delivery , or city express business , will continue to optimize its delivery network to improve network efficiency delivery in order to gain more market share .