
  • 网络Happy Holiday
  1. 六一是我们最快乐的节日!

    " 61 " we are most happy holiday .

  2. 国庆节是一个快乐的节日,人民的生活水平真的提高得很快。

    National Day is a happy holiday , really raising people 's living standards rapidly .

  3. 所以这不是一个火鸡可以快乐的节日。

    So it 's not a time of year when turkeys have holiday cheer .

  4. 愿你拥有一个快乐的节日!

    Hope you have a joyous holiday !

  5. 春节是一个快乐的节日。

    Spring Festival is a happy day .

  6. 我准备和我的爸爸妈妈一起过一个快乐的节日,因为今天是春节。

    Today , I should have a happy day with my parents , because today is Spring Festival .

  7. 虽然这是一个快乐的节日,但这背后却有着一段令人心碎的传说。

    Though a happy occasion , there 's a heartbreaking story that explains how it came to be .

  8. 同学们,“六一”是你们最快乐的节日,“六一”也是我们最高兴的日子。

    Students ," 61 " you are most happy holiday ," 61 " is also our most happy day .

  9. 从昨天起,我跟我的父亲如何让妈妈快乐的节日。

    Since yesterday , I discussed with my father on how to make my mother happy over the holiday .

  10. 感恩节是一个让不同的美国人学会怎样去一起生活,一起分享快乐的节日。

    Thanksgiving is a holiday that teaches diverse Americans how to live together , share together and have fun together .

  11. 反之,对那些未被解雇的人来说,2008年这个不那么快乐的节日会是一场由恐惧与苦役组成的狂欢。

    Whereas for those who have not been fired , the not-so-festive season this year is an orgy of fear and drudgery .

  12. “圣诞节是个给予的季节,”我告诉学生们,“我们学校有些学生可能不能过一个快乐的节日。

    Is a season of giving ," I told my students . " There are a few students in the school who might not have a happy holiday season .

  13. 每年的这个时候,在节日期间,我们会和全国不同地方的孩子们度过快乐的节日。

    Every year , at this time of year , at the holiday season , we have a really fun event with boys and girls from different parts of the country .

  14. 一个充满快乐和爱的节日。

    A holiday full of love and joy .